Chapter 4

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    Louis woke up to a slight snore and beams of sunlight flooding throughout the unfamiliar room. At first he wasn't sure where he was exactly and started to panic until he was met with Harry's peacefully sleeping face, and a tight grip around his waist. Louis breathed in his scent and smiled against Harry's necked before peppering small kisses along his jawline, which lead to Harry stirring awake.

"Good morning" Harry's deep, raspy, morning voice came as a shock to Louis. It was quite hot, he thought to himself.

"Morning. Tea?" He asked, looking into Harry's eyes. The curly boy nodded and unwrapped his arms from around Louis' waist. The coldness engulfing his body, he immediately regretted asking about the tea.

"M'gonna use the loo. The kitchen is down the hall, and the tea is in the top left cupboard. The mugs directly beside it."

Louis made his way into the kitchen, pulling down two mugs and put the kettle on. He sat at one of the stools at the island, and checked him phone.

3 missed calls, 8 new text messages

5:15 pm: Oi mate! How's it goin?
5:45 pm: Or don't answer. That's cool too
7:37 pm: 'm beginnin ta get worried mate.

missed call from 'nialler' at 7:50 pm

8:00 pm: Lou, where 're you at???

missed call from 'nialler' at 8:03 pm

8:30 pm: it's stormin and I'd like to know where you're at so I know you're safe

missed call from 'nialler' at 8:32 pm

9:00 pm: are you still with that Harry guy from the book store?
10:04 pm: please call me in the mornin so that I know you're okay mate

7:06 am: good morning boobear. Niall tells me you didn't make it home last night? Are you okay?

He feels his heart drop because he didn't tell Niall where he was. He quickly replied to him mother and called Niall. After a few rings, he answers.

"YOU'VE GOT THE BE FUCKIN KIDDING ME" Niall yells through the phone.

"Okay look I know you're ma-"


"I know I know. It was stupid of me not to tell you where I wa-"

"You think!!" He screams again, slightly less mad.

"Okay! I get it! Harry and I didn't realize how late it was after we were finished at the cafe, and it was raining and he didn't want me to have to walk home by myself so he offered to let me stay at his place and then it started storming and you know how I get with storms and I didn't want to go home. So I stayed with him." Louis explains quickly before Niall has a chance to cut him off again.

Niall was quiet for a minute for scoffing and muttering a quick "you should have called" and "I'll see you at home" before hanging up. Harry walked into the room not long after and Louis finished making their tea before sitting back at his stool again.

"Sorry for taking over your bed last night" Louis laughed and looked at Harry.

"It's quite alright. I rather fancy sleeping with you. You're warm and cuddly. And if letting you sleep with me gets me kisses, it's all worth it" he smirked and Louis blushed.

"Sorry about that, spur of the moment thing I guess." Louis waved it off, but not so much Harry. He stood and padded over to the smaller lad and proceeded to kiss both his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, and finally his lips. The kiss was soft and sweet, but full of passion and lust leaving Louis breathless and almost gasping for air.

"I like you, Louis. and as sudden as this is, I'd like there to be something between us." Louis nodded, not knowing what exactly he should say.

"Do you want that? With me? Us?" Harry continued.

"Yes, i- uh. Yes, I'd like that very much" Louis rushed and Harry rested his forehead against Louis' and kissed his lips once more.

"Spectacular. I've got to get to work doll, so I should be going. You're welcome to stay as long as you wish, just be sure to lock the door when you leave." Harry stated and made his way back to his room.

To 'Nialler'
8:13 am: i think Harry and I are dating🙊

Louis sat his phone onto the table and sipped at his tea, trying to make sense as to what happened only moments before.

Hiya! I know. All of my endings are shitty. But it's an update. I'm sorry this is taking forever to be finished. Also, Harry's room is in the media, but I'll have the kitchen below. Kinda what I based this chapter on. Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all!

 Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all!

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