Proper Introduction

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"Lia, does mommy have a man?" I asked. Tamar refuses to tell about her love life and I love to meddle and the only way is through Talia.

"No. She said she doesn't want cooties." I giggled at how cute Talia answered. But maybe I should set her up with someone, but who?

I kept thinking as I pulled up in Mommy's driveway. I saw Tamar on the porch and she looked so anxious, wonder what's up with her.

I turned and unbuckled Talia. "Go say hi to your Mommy and I'll carry the bags to her. Then we can head off to the studio. Okay?" She nodded and ran to Tamar.

"Mommy!!!" Talia ran up to Tamar and hugged her, I grabbed the five bags full of clothes and shoes before walking up to Talia and Tamar.

"Mommy, TT took me to the ice cream shop and then the mall, and I got whatever I wanted."

"Which was a whole lot might I add." I said.

"Looks like it. baby, you wanna go back to your party?" Tamar asked smiling.

"No. I'm gonna go with TT, she gonna record music." She ran back to car and I followed. I pulled off and we headed to the studio.

"So, Lee, who do you think should date your mommy?"

"Date??" She asked very confused-like.

"Who should take your mommy out to dinner?"

"Diezzy!" Okay so maybe taking advice from a brand new three year old isn't smart. We pulled up to the studio and I didn't see Harvey's Ferrari outside. I walk in and I was stunned by who has there.

"Well, if it isn't the R&B queen herself, Miss Toni Braxton."

"And the wonderful... Herbyy!!" I am always so excited to have Herby, which is what I call Vincent Herbert.

We held a quick conversation before getting to work.
Talia sat next to Herby while I sung a track for my new album. I came out the booth and we listened to the track then we started talking again.

"So I met a soul completely opposite of yours, today. She goes by Tamar Braxton."

"I know, she told me, but haven't y'all met? During Secrets?"

"No I'd remember that kind of 'tude." He said with a soft chuckle.

"Sorry about her. She doesn't have our kind of life."

"Toni Braxton's sister lives middle class? What?" He held onto his chest and dramatized it.

"Yeah, she wants to sing but she can't." I said after his theatrics.

"Why not?" I tilted my head towards Talia. "Not that she's a burden, but Tamar is only 22 raising a 3 year old, by herself. Life's not always peachy for her."

"Damn. That's crazy. Everybody's deserves to have a little fun every once and a while." After he said that, I stared at him. He might be who she needs.

"What? Why you starring me down?" He asked nervously.

Oh my gosh, Tamar and Vince? Could this even work? They came off to a pretty rough start. But I always have an idea.

"Here Herb, this is a key to my house. Drop off this track off at my house later. I just remembered there's a few things I need to do and I don't think the kids are home."

"Uh, okay." He took the key.

"Well I'm gonna go, have to drop the little one off first. Later, Herb."

We left and went about our way. I sent Tamar a text telling her to pick up Lia at my house when really me and Talia are actually going back to Mommy's. Toni's match making is back.

We when pull up at Mommy's, I noticed that Tamar's car is gone. Perfect. I wonder how it's going to go.

I'm driving to Toni's because her and Lia decided not to go back to the party. When I pulled up, I saw a car that doesn't belong to Toni in the driveway and a man at her front door.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Just Toni's producer dropping off a track." he said without turning around. He went inside her house so I followed him in.

"Uh, mister, what's your name? How'd you get her keys?" I asked while hot on his tail.

"I got it from her." He said again without turning around. When he finally turned around, I couldn't believe who it was.

"Vincent Herbert." I said surprised.

"Tamar Miserable Braxton." I rolled my eyes.

"Very funny. So," I calmed down and got a glass of water, "is this your plan to see me again before tomorrow?"

"I was hoping I wouldn't see you again at all, but no, Toni must've done this."

"Yeah, okay." I know one thing about Toni, she would never set me up like this.

"Want a glass?"

"You're trying to fill me up with alcohol? Nice." He smartly said.

"A glass of water, Mr. Herbert." I gave him the glass and he smirked. "I can tell you are very flirtatious."

"If grinning is flirting, then I flirt with my grandmother too." He joked.

Ha! He is a comedian more than a producer.

"So, you're sister told me you like to sing?"

"Singing. Singing, well yes. It was the plan, but than I had a baby and my life got thrown off course, probably for the better." I said with a soft laugh.

"Who knows, maybe if you had done singing anyways, our 'badly timed mistake' meeting would've happened sooner." I hissed hearing my words repeated to me. Damn. I'm rude.

"I said that didn't I?" He knodded.

"Sorry. Today is my baby's third birthday and I was running late for her party."

"Oh, yes! THE Talia." He said exaggerating the "the."

"You two met?" I asked surprised. What is Toni doing with my kid, Lord Jesus.

If that wasn't her then, Toni had the wrong kid."

"You are a comedian." I said making him laugh.

"Let me get your number, maybe we can meet up at the studio one day to record a little something." I gave him my number, and after that he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"Well, I assume Toni brought my daughter back to her party. So, I'll see you tomorrow at work. Vincent Herbert." I smiled.

"Okay. Tamar Not So Miserable Braxton." I laughed and we left. Maybe he isn't that bad.

[Toni's house in media]

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