One Month Lovers

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"Where are we?" I asked in amazement. "SkyTop. Romantic dinner above the city. And it's all ours tonight." He answered.

"You rented the whole top floor out? Vince, you must've spent-" He shut me up by kissing me, which I thought was romantic.

"If you ever need anything or if I wanna spoil you, there's never too much." We kissed some more and started looking at the  beautiful lit up sky.

"One day, you are going to own Atlanta, and the world. Your name will be known and people are going to love you as much as I do." He said while looking in my eyes.

I walked away and sat on the couch. He sat next to me. "What's the matter, Tamar? If you don't like it -"

"Why do you like me? You're 25, there are a billion girls who have their life together and with no kids and no mentally ill baby-daddy. Why me?"

"All the things you named. You do have your life together, just in a different way then most girls I know. If you ever saw the way you and Talia admire each other from a third person view, it's nearly breathtaking. Girls I know are so obsessed with climbing the ladder that they don't care much for anything else. You are beautiful, sexy, mature, a great mother, and more, but by far the best girlfriend and friend."

I was obviously crying my eyes out by now. "You are really tryna get some." I said about to kiss him. "Wouldn't hurt." he said.

We started talking more and ordered dinner. I love Vince, he's my bestfriend and I wouldn't trade him for anything.

It was 2am when we left dinner. I asked if I could spend the night by him because Trina and Talia were at my house and we haven't moved into Toni's yet. "Sure."

He drove us to his house and I was asleep the whole way. We got in his driveway and he carried me in because I couldn't walk without falling. Mind you, I wasn't drunk, I was tipsy. I don't get to drink often because Talia is always around.

He left me on his guest room bed. "Vince." I pleaded. "Yes baby." He asked turning around before reaching the door.

I started crying like how Talia cries when I don't give her animal crackers. "Can I sleep with you, please." He walked me to his bed and said I could lay there until it was time to sleep.


I took a shower and when I came out Tamar was changed in the t-shirt I set out and sleeping. I didn't wanna disturb her so I just moved her over to the other side of the bed and went to sleep.

When I woke up at 9am, Tamar was still sleeping. "Bae. Get up." She turned over. "Tamar."

"What Vince?" She responded.

"Get up, it's morning." She didn't answer which meant she's sleeping. So I left her there and went to freshen up. She was still sleeping so I decided to make some breakfast.

I woke up at 10:30am and turned over and nearly freaked because Vince wasn't there. "Baby." I said loud enough to be heard in his room. I got out of the bed, brushed my teeth real quick and went downstairs. "Babe!"

"Yes Tamar." I heard from the kitchen. I went towards the kitchen and saw him eating breakfast. "Yours is in the microwave."

"Thanks." I said still kinda sleepy. I got my plate and sat down at the table. "You know you're the biggest baby when you don't get what you want." He said.

I started giggling, "What do you mean?"

"Last night, I said 'Tamar, sleep in the guest room.' and you started crying." I was holding in a strong laugh. "Sorry babe. Thank you for letting me sleep with you though."

"No problem, what ever you say, I'll do it." He got up gave me a kiss and went to clean his dish.

"Baby, we gotta go back to the house so we- I mean I, so I can move in Toni's."

"Okay." We finished cleaning and everything and left. We walked in the door and Talia ran to Vince. I was a little surprised but I was happy at the same time.

"Hey pretty girl." He said picking her up. "Hi Vince."

After she gave me a hug. "Hey lovebug." I said admiring her wild bed head hair. "Hey Mommy."

"Where's your Auntie?" I asked as she pulled Vince and I into the house. "She's in the kitchen cleaning."

We walked in and saw her packing the plates away. "Hey Tri. Thank you!!"

We shared a quick hug, "Hey Tay. Anytime, but I gotta go, Towanda has this thing and she asked me to come. See you guys later." She hugged everyone and left. I'm glad we're closer and that I have my baby girl and Vince.

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