Breaking (Hearts &) News

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*3 months pregnant*

Vincent and I are elated about having this baby and we are going to the doctor today to find out what gender it is. We have put off telling Talia and we keep the baby's room locked because we don't want Talia walking in on accident.

"Mommy?" Talia said as we got ready for the day ahead. "Yes pumpkin."

"Your belly is growing." I got scared and called Vince. He came upstairs and I stopped him before he got in her room. "She said my stomach is getting big. Should we tell her?"

"Uh. Maybe we should now." We walked, "Good Morning Daddy." She said with a smile.

"Hey Daddy's girl." I sat down on her bed and Vince stood. "Lee, come sit next to Mommy." He said. She sat on the bed and asked if she was being bad. "No baby, Daddy and I have to tell you something."

It was really silent and I looked up at Vince, hinting to say it. "Baby, Mommy has a baby in her belly. You're gonna have a little sister or brother."

"I don't want one." She said without a second thought. My eyes started boiling but I sucked it up and asked her why not. She didnt answer. "Talia, your Mommy is talking to you." She stomped out and went downstairs.

Vince looked at me. "We gotta go, c'mon." We got up, went downstairs and Talia looked sad but I don't know what to do, I can't not have my baby.

We got in the car and Talia was quiet the whole time. She called Toni from her phone. Yes, she has a phone. Only for games and calling her family. The conversation she had with Toni, made me cry.


Is this my baby?


What's the matter dumpling?

Mommy has a baby.

Are you happy?

No. Mommy doesn't want me.

Aw, baby. Yes she does.

Can you come, I wanna be with you.

I'll be right there, I love you.

I love you.

"Vince, she thinks I don't want her." I whispered.

"Its okay, once the baby is here, she'll feel different." I wiped my tears, "Talia, the doctor is going to tell you if you're gonna have a little brother or sister." I saw a tear drop run down her soft little cheeks.

"Talia. It's not nice to ignore Mommy." Vince said. She covered herself with her blanket. "Vince. I'm hurting my baby." I whimpered.

"Its okay, we just have to be patient." When we got there, we kept trying to get her to say something, and she was completely ignoring us. The doctor called us in his office and Vince tried to get Talia to sit with him, and she threw a tantrum!

Never has she done that with him before. She sat by herself in the corner. The doctor was checking everything and then announced the gender. "Oh my gosh!" I started to cry.

"Thank you." Vince said to the doctor. "Talia, did you hear that?" She ignored me. "We are going to go celebrate." Vince said.

We went to lunch and I invited Toni because she said she was coming off her plane. We got there and Talia still hasn't said a word since this morning. We ordered our appetizers and then Toni came in.

Talia ran over to her and cried in her arms. I could hear her from where I was sitting say, "I don't wanna go home, TT!" Toni then took her outside.

"Hi Princess. You okay?" I said to my beautiful baby niece. She was sitting on lap and she was crying.

"Why does Mommy and Daddy want a new baby? I'm the baby." She said.

"They want to add to your family. Like how you added your Daddy."

"Do they love me?" This question isn't weird coming from her because men come in and out of her life due to Tamar dating people. She gets attached and then they leave. "Of course they love you, my sweet baby."

"Do I have to talk, TT?" "You should, but if you're not ready, no."

"I love you TT. Please don't leave me."

"Okay dumpling. I love you more." She gave me this big hug and kissed me on my cheek. "Ready to go back in?" She shook her head yes and we walked in together.

I saw them walk back in and Tomi was carrying Talia. Toni put her down next to Vince, and she threw another tantrum. "Talia!"

She started crying again. Toni picked her back up and asked me to sit next to Vince so they can sit together. I did it for my baby to be happy, it hurt me, but I don't care.

"Talia, what are you eating?" Vince asked. She looked up and whispered in Toni's ear. "She's having the chicken fingers. Talia, look a play section, go play." She ran off to play.

"Toni. What's wrong with her?" I asked on the verge of a breakdown. "She thinks you don't want her and that she won't be the baby anymore. She doesn't want change, basically."

"But she's always gonna be my baby."

"Tell her that. She said she doesn't wanna talk to you guys though." Vince asked what we should do. "Personally, I think you just need to have a family night and explain it to her and don't leave out a single thing." Toni said.

Talia came back to eat and we left the diner. "TT. Where are you going?" Talia said. "I'm going to be there tomorrow, I promise." We got in the car and Lee cried the whole way home.

Never did I ever think, I would cause my baby so much pain.. Hopefully this family night works.

[Talia in media]

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