New Baby Big Girl

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Its been 5 months since Trinity was born and she is healthy and completely adorable. She looks so much like Talia when she was a baby.

"Mommy!" Talia called. "Yes baby girl."

"I want ice cream." She's grown a nasty attitude lately and I think its because she's almost turning 5; no pleases, no thank yous, no manners period.

"No." I said, knowing say that she would throw a tantrum. Her being four, tantrums are her favorite thing. She started kicking the floor and rolling around on the ground. Screaming and crying.

"Talia! Get off the floor now." She was continuing her tantrum. I walked up to her and had to slap her on her bottom. Then, more tears and screaming.

"TALIA!" She stopped in shock. I never yell. "Go in the corner, time out!" Then she started again, but in the corner. A full hour went by and she kept crying, I'm waiting until Vince get here to deal with her.

"Mommy!" She screamed. "Yes, Talia?"

"I want my bear!" See, no please.

"No, Talia." The screaming only got louder and the tears only came down faster. Vince finally came half-hour later. "Hi babe." I said while giving Trinity her bottle. "Hey, why Talia crying?"

"She wanted ice cream, I said no. Then I put her in time out, she asked for her bear, I said no." He looked confused. "I got it." He said. I had to go watch, to see how'd it play out.

"Talia, stop crying." He sternly said.

"I want my bear!" She yelled back. "Watch that tone with me." He said.

She stopped crying. "Wipe your face." He commanded. She wiped her face and sat down in the corner. "You got 5 minutes time out for being rude, okay?" He said a little calm. "Yes, Daddy." She replied.

He walked to where I was, "boom" He mouthed.

"How do you do it?" I said after picking up my jaw.

"Because bae, you've babied her for four years, I only baby her on the occasion so when I get strict, she listens. When you get strict, she thinks you are being mean and reacts like, well that." I gave him that 'shut up' look.

"Talia, are you ready to behave?" He said. "Yes." She came over and apologized for acting up. I gave her a kiss and said, "Go upstairs, I'll be up to put you to sleep." She walked upstairs without saying anything.

Vince got Trinity out of my hands and went in the living room to watch sports. Trinity and Vince love watching sports, she even makes noises when Vince gets excited about the game. Its really beyond cute.

"Lemme go put my big baby to bed." I went upstairs and went in Talia's room. She wasn't there so I checked the bathroom. Not there either. I checked Trinity's room, not there. I went into my room and there she was fast asleep on our bed. Holding a different bear.

Usually she sleeps with the bear Toni gave her, this time it was the bear Vince and I gave her. I shook her a little for her to wake up, but she was completely sleep. I got in the bed with her and called Toni, because she gives be all the advice I need.

Hey T!

Hey sis, wassup?

Why you sound like that?

I just came from Keri.. You know.

Ew. Anyways, Talia is still having tantrums. And she only listens to Vince. And is sleeping with a different bear.

Different bear means she's changing, maybe a phase. If she's only listening to Vince, she may be trying to get attention. And the tantrums are a late growth thing.

Late growth?

Tantrums are normal around ages two and three, being she got everything she wanted then, and now she is not getting her baby-like treatment, she is testing you guys to see if she could break you into giving her her "rights" back.

Thanks sis. How's LA?

Great, new album coming soon. Me and Keri are getting along again. Its all good, how about you?

Mothering. Tired.

You'll get used to it.

Love you, talk to you tomorrow. Thanks again.

Love you, bye.

I put my phone to charge and went to take a shower. When I got out, Talia had been waking up. I really don't need her to be making anymore scenes. I went on the bed in my towel and rubbed her back.

She turned over and her eyes were wide open. "Mommy, lay down." She said about to start with the waterworks. I laid down and she fell back asleep in no time. I waited a while before putting my night clothes on and laying back with her.

(Trinity in media)

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