Conflicting Dates

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*two weeks later*

Tonight is the dinner with Towanda, Trina, Traci, Mommy and Toni. The dinner is at Mommy's house and it's casual so we don't need to be dressed up, thank God.

We got dressed early and went by Toni, just to hang out before this big family reunion. Toni opened her door, "Hey T! Hey baby girl!!"

"Hi." Talia said.

She got some wine and Lia went up to Diezel's room.
"So, you ready?" she asked me knowing I'm not.

"Can't ever be ready."

"Uh, c'mon Tamar." She grunted as she poured out my wine.

I felt my phone buzz and when I checked it was a text from Vincent. "Meet me tonight?", it said. I looked at Toni, who seemed really excited about tonight. I didn't want to leave but maybe I had time.

Vincent and I have beeen hanging out a little bit. I asked him where and when. Its now 4pm and our dinner is at 7pm so maybe I can hang with him til then. "My house... 5?" He sent through text. I agreed to meet him.

"Hey Tone, I just remembered I have to get something real quick, watch Lee?"


I left and got the address from Vincent. When I pulled up to the big mansion, my mouth dropped. I knocked on the door and he answered with this deep seductive voice. I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda sexy.
"Hey Tamar."

"Hi." I'm pretty sure I was blushing pretty hard.

"Come on in." We sat on his couch and talked for awhile.

"So tell me, who is Tamar Braxton?"

"Young girl from Maryland who-" I started before being rudely interrupted.

"No. Tell me about your dreams, aspirations, doubts, what you have hatred for." He asked scooting closer.

"As you know, singing was priority number one until Talia, I want to try again but I don't have the time. I doubt I can't ever start back up because of my hatred for.. my fears."

"Damn, well okay." I said. I felt like I was prying a little so I leaned off the topic.

I don't really know what this feeling is, but I like Tamar. She's real and I can tell she's letting her guards down.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Uh.. Sure but I have a dinner arrangement at 7 so not to long." I hope she isn't seeing anyone seriously dating-wise.

"Here, let me pop this one in and get some popcorn." When I came back from the kitchen she was all curled up in a blanket like a little baby. "Really, Tamar?"

"Comforting blanket." she giggled. I sat down next to her and we watched the movie until we fell asleep.

Around 7:45, I woke up and she was sleeping on me, still curled up like a baby. "Oh crap, Tamar, your dinner!" I said shaking her. She rolled over and was still sleeping.

"Tamar!" She answered, kinda, by groaning. "Your dinner!"

"Ah shit." She got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. I was waiting by the door for her and she came out and hugged me and she left.

I'm nearly an hour late for this dinner and Toni will never forgive me. I pulled up by Mommy and I saw cars there already. I walked in and was bombarded by Talia.

"Hey baby!"

"Mommy! Come on." She took me to where everyone was. I got there and there was all my sisters, nieces, and nephews. "Hey y'all" I said kinda quiet.

I sat next to Toni, nervous as ever. She whispered, "Why are you late Taymee?" I don't know if I should tell her where I really was.

"I got held up with something." I said trying to keep it vague. "We'll talk about this later, Tamar." Oh gosh, now she's mad. Dinner went very well, until...

[Vincent's house in media]

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