Unfortunate Events

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We were having a great time until Towanda's daughter started screaming. "Mommy! Mommy!"

We all ran to her and she screamed because Talia had thrown up everywhere.

"What's wrong baby?!" I said extremely concerned. By now everyone was huddled around us. She couldn't properly make out her words because she was crying so much.

Toni and I left the dinner and went straight to the ER. Toni sat in the back with Talia and I was trying to get there in a rush. She was still throwing up in the car, luckily we had a bag.

We got there and they took Talia and told us they'd let us know after some test. Toni wouldn't talk to me, so I had to put my big girl panties on and fess up.

"Vincent asked me to come over. I kinda like him so I went, but I didn't think I'd be late like that. I'm really sorry and I hope you can forgive me." I looked at her. She didn't say anything. "Toni?"

"I heard you. You're forgiven."

"Thanks T." I said still feeling a little guilty.

"So how was it?" she asked as her face brightened up.

"We talked for awhile and then we started watching this movie, and we fell asleep."

"Y'all fell asleep??" I knodded while blushing a little.

"Mhmm." I hate when she gives me the 'mhm', hers are so mysterious and sometimes concerning.

I was about to keep going but then Mommy walked in. "Hey babies, where is she?"

"They are testing her right now." I answered.

"Do y'all know anything?"

"Looks like we're about to find out." I said looking at the nurse. "Hi, my name is Nurse Sherri. Um. Talia will need to be here for a couple days, she has food poisoning, but she should be okay in three to four days." I started tearing up and Mommy hugged me.

Toni asked when we can see her. "Maybe tomorrow, she is asleep right now. I'll keep you updated." The nurse walked away and Mommy helped me back to my seat because I was a total wreck.

We sat there all night, me laying on Mommy's shoulder and Toni across from us.


In the morning, Diezel and the other sisters came. "Hey Mom", said Diezel. "What have they said?"

"She has food poisoning and they are having her drinking fluids, they are saying she should be okay."

"Thank God." said Trina. I grinned. "Hey Taymee, I'm gonna go get something from Starbucks, want anything?" Mommy asked.

"No thanks, Mommy." Nurse Sherri came and told us that I had some papers to sign. "Thank you, Nurse Sherri."

After that, the other sisters decided to go out for drinks. "Ignorant." I whispered under my breath. Toni nudged me in my side and mouthed "Stop!"


"Ms. Braxton. She is going to okay, she will have stay for another day, we want to make sure she heals properly. You can go in now." Nurse Sherri said before disappearing again.

"Thank you." I said. Me, Mommy and Toni went in. My poor baby looked so pale. "Hey baby."

"Mommy!" she said. She hugged me so tight, and I returned the comfort.

"MomMom." she yelled and started crying. Mommy babies the crap out of her. "Hey little girl." Mommy kissed Talia all over and sat in the bed with her.

We sat there and talked and as the conversations continued she began to brighten up.

"Okay, baby, we'll see you tomorrow and you'll go home." I said after realizing the time.

"I don't want you to go Mommy." Talia pouted.

"I'll be back when you wake up. Night Lia."

"Good night." We all gave our last kisses and separated. Toni and Mommy went home as did I.

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