Chapter Two

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"The point is,we think that you should be rewarded,not punishing yourself.Okay?And I'm..I'm prepared to reward you."I say softly,she nods

"I say that we go to my buddy's old restaurant downtown.Its very vibey..."Vernon suggest

"We just ate on the way over here."April says walking to the door

"No,I know we just..I'm not saying for a full meal,we're just gonna eat appeteasers."He says while April taking my wrist dragging me along

"I got to go finish that interview.We'll see you at the office,Vern!"She says while I give a confused look

"I will see you guys at the office!"He says putting his sunglasses on,April lets go of my hand before getting her bike helmet

"Why am I going?"I ask as she hands me my skateboard

"You agreed on helping me right?So you're helping me with this okay.."She says hoping on,I shrug placing my skateboard down.We start to ride back to our original spot,where Mr.Rivetti was.April going ahead of me while I follow behind,taking a view on the bridge we were riding on

"April?"I call out

"Yeah?"She answers back,I go quicker at her pace as she glances at me

"How long will this take exactly?"I ask,she giggles

"Knowing me...get comfortable."


"I just wanted to follow up,Mr.Rivetti."April says skyping Mr.Rivetti over her phone,I was sitting on the ground checking my skateboard while waiting

"Are you kidding me?How did you get my number?"I hear him say over the line while she moves around a bit

"I just need one more quest---"

"Listen,I already told you everything I know about this crime,everything."

"Wait wait wa--"

"Okay,you wanna know anything else,you go back down to the dock and you see my guy Stan.H'll tell you anything else you need to know,okay?And hey,do me a favor.Lose my number,alright?"He says while April ends the call glancing at me.I stand up,placing my skateboard to the ground.

"Guess we have to find Stan now..."


Night time occurs,riding our vehicle on the empty part of the freeway.We slow down seeing the docks,hearing a bang echoing from a distance.We stop,glancing over the direction

"Move out,next point!Go,go,go."We hear one order,we hop off placing my board against the fence.April grabs onto the fence,before dialing a number

"Chris.Chris its April,I'm with (Y/N) and we're at the docks...."April says waiting for an answer,I sigh seeing her shake her head

"No,no,no I need..."She stops at her tracks ending the call,while I take my board

"Come on..."We ride off to the ocher place part,looking through a tear

"Get out of my way..."

"Copy that"I hear one day while April eggs her phone trying to record.But hearing a small beep while April groans

"Damn it.."She says while turning to me

"Do you have your phone?"She ask me,I shake my head

"I left it back home..."I reply while I look up at the fence

"Here,I'll boost you up.."I suggest placing my hands down,she takes it grabbing onto the end he of the fence.She gets a grip climbing up,I jump a bit climbing up as well.We recap the other side,feeling the rain hit our faces.Going through some metal boxes,hearing the screeches of tires against the flor.We peek over seeing them turning away,driving off.

I look to see a huge figure climb onto a roof top looking over our direction,April quickly grabs her phone taking a pick.Only to show part of its weapon but not its full body.I look over the boxes to find a weird symbol like written on it

"Hey might wanna see this!"I yell out,she comes running next to me taking a pic of it as well.


"Taylor.Taylor"April calls out running inside,I follow behind her seeing Taylor sitting on the couch with a laptop on the table

"Hey.Im Skyping with my mom..."She says while April sets her bag down a separate chair

"You have no idea what we just went through.I am freaking out.We saw a Foot Clan attack..."April says whole Taylor looks at us

"Are you guys okay?"She ask,I nod

"She was riding her bike while I was in my board by the docks.It was night.Its dark already and there are Foot Clan soldiers everywhere.Then out of nowhere there was this guy fighting back against them.And he...He left behind this symbol..And I know that we've seen it before..but..we can't remember where.But there is someone fighting back against the Foot Clan."I explain taking a deep breathe siting in the couch.

"There is a vigilante in this city.And no one knows but we do..I know.(Y/N) knows.And now I have my story.There is no more froth and foam for me.."April finishes off,I look over to Taylor who was confused at this point

"What?"Is all what came out her mouth

"Never mind.."We say together

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