Chapter Three

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April and I started to run inside the building,up the stairs and onto the floor.April ran ahead up the Bernadette of this place.I followed behind seeing everyone looking at April

"Oh,O'Neil.Ill talk to you in a minute"I hear Bernadette speak up while April stops her from going any further

"I know that I'm actually overstepping my boundaries by being here,but I think that you're gonna...."She stops,going next to her looking at Bernadette

"She actually think that you're all gonna want to hear what she have to say...."I finish for her,April nods going up to the writing crew.I go up next to Vernon looking over April direction

"Um,(Y/N) and I...."She starts off pointing at me,I raise my hand slightly causing everyone to nod.

"Okay um..we witnessed an attempt Foot Clan robbery at the docks in Brooklyn last night."

"Hold on,the scanner said that gunshot were heard,but there were no report of any Foot Clan activity."A man spoke up while April looks at me,I nod stepping forward

"That's because whatever they were attempting to do was stopped."I speak up,smiling at April slightly

"What were you two doing in Brooklyn anyway?Was there a trampoline convention?"A man ask while everyone chuckles slightly

"We were in Brooklyn because April was reporting,not sitting behind their desk,McNaughton.While I was helping out in the other hand."I finish off seeing Bernadette walking up to the group

"Okay,kids!Who stopped it?"She asks us,we hesitate a bit,exchanging looks at one another.

"Well,there was this guy.I didn't see him clearly,but he was swinging..These giant shipping containers and knocking these guys into the...into the river.There is a vigilante that is fighting back against the Foot Clan.Theres your huge story there!"I explain pushing April forward slightly

"Listen...who ever you are."The same man spoke up,I turn around

"I think you guys found Superman.Thats cool."He says causing everyone to laugh quietly,I rub my temple nudging April

"The vigilante is real.I saw him."April says trying to back up our point,but Bernadette walks up to us

"Okay,ladies I'm gonna assume that you would not come up here and tell us this fantastic somebody without some tangible proof."She explains,April opens her folder checking through the photos she took.Grabbing the one with the symbol written on it

"I took this photo of one of the shipping containers.I actually think that it may be his calling card"April explains showing her the photo,while Bernadette chuckles lightly

"This is nothing.O'Neil.This is nothing!"

"That's exactly the point.Somebody stopped a Foot robbery and left no evidence.There is nothing"April explains,I go next to Bernadette who looks at me

"Oh,I get it.You wanted me to put 'nothing' on the nightly news."

"Of course not"

"You know,I'm gonna pretend we never had this conversation.Im erasing it from my mind.And the rest of us,we're going go back to work.Lets hit it!"She orders walking off,I look towards April who seemed disappointed at this.Covering her face before I rub her back

"Come on April,there's nothing you can do about it now..."


"Ladies and gentlemen,please join me in welcoming the NYPD's top benefactor,Eric Sacks."The announcements went on,April and I were dressed up for the event.Vernon was doing the camera

"Please,please,please...Sit down,sit down..."We hear Eric speak up,everyone does what he orders.A smile came across my face,while taking a deep breathe

"I have to say,it's wonderful to see so many people out here tonight,especially in a neighborhood so hard hit by the Foot crime wave."He says looking at everyone

"Years ago,my life was touched by tragedy.I was a young scientist working with a world class team on cutting edge research.And our laboratory was attacked,set fire to,robbed,by the coward that call themselves the Foot Clan.Several of my employees..."He says looking at April,then catches the attention of me

"Lost their lives that day.And its is in their honor,in their memory,that Sacks Industries,whether through Sacks Biomed,Sacks Robotics or Sacks Construction,we remain commitment to keeping the city of New York,our city,safe...."He finishes off,I start to clap along with everyone in the crowd.Looking to April who was staring off into Erick

"So whenever someone takes flames to this city,I will be there to put the fire out.And that's my promise.Thank you.Thank you."He starts to walk away,everyone stood from their seats clapping towards him.I turn to see April going through the crowd to head to Eric,I follow along while stopping seeing him right in front of us

"Mr.Sacks.April O'Neil.You worked with my father."She reminds him

"I can't believe it.I haven't seen you since..."

"Since his funeral.It was a long time ago.."

"Yeah..."He looks at me,while I smile extending my hand.He take sit shaking it while I nod

"Hi,I'm (Y/N) (L/N)...Friend of April,I was the one who always hung around April..."I remind,he nods

"Oh that's right.I thought you guys were sisters seeming how close you are.."He says while I shake my head

"No...but I was there..when it happened.."I trail off,stopping at the sudden memory.

"I just wanted to tell you that your words really resonated with us,and I hope to one day contribute to the city in the way that you do."April speaks up while Erick nods

"Well it looks like you two are doing a pretty good job.Channel 6,very impressive April.Fighting,very active (Y/N).."

"Thank you..."We say together

"It's isn't exactly everything I anticipated it would be"April continues while Eric sets his hand on her shoulder

"As long as you are true to yourself,your father will always be proud of you."

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