Chapter 10

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After offering my salah When I came out I found Bhaiyu scolding Aareeb, ignoring them I moved to drink a glass of water.

Being drearier I don't want to respond to Aareeb's Dullard challenge but this had enmeshed me badly.

Feigning to be cool I consigned myself in the cooking activities but today After watching videos, bibi was beside guiding me. The toughest task was to prepare the dough of the flour but Alhamdulillah bibi had greatly helped me.

It was 11:30 pm after finishing all my chores, I was DAMN EXHAUSTED. I never ever got this much before. Ya Allah It was like equate to my one month walk.

"O I forgot to call my crony Nailu." I murmured and dialed her.

"Haha... Don't get hyper baby. Avoid him."


"Ahem! Ahem!"

Talking to my bae relieved all my exhaustion for some time.

I didn't say Nailu about the dinner challenge, my bae is already so stressed and I don't wanna raised it by informing this.

Next day when I woke I was feeling a spasm in the complete body and after college, I need to plan and prepare the menu for today's dinner.

Besides all this tension the thing which was pleasing me was the trust and support Emir showed towards me.

After offering my salah I moved in the kitchen.

After few sips of water, when my eyes fall on the wrapped gift kept on the platform I got confused.

"To the world best sister from the worst brother." This card on the gift brought a big smile on my face.

Unwrapping it I found a book

'Indian food recipes'

"Haha... Bhaiyu! I love you so much." thanking within when I found bibi coming towards me I wore my serious look and kept the book on the platform.

Taking the broom I started sweeping the entire house while bibi was cutting the vegetables, yeah! I said bibi to do all the sitting chores whereas I will be doing the opposite.

It was around 8 am when I got Nailu's call.

"Mumma explain the charges and expenditure stuff of the house. I am not going college today." I screamed.

After the breakfast and hearing lot of braggings from bhaiyu and mumma of my cooked food, My efforts!. I was preparing the plan overhanging the house stuff.

"Oooo this is crazy, it goes beyond my dumb brain," I screamed in anger.

"O why don't you take help from miss perfect Nailu your best friend." Aareeb taunted again who was sitting in front of me reading a book.

"you need not say what should I do. You are completely behaving like the woman's do. Eavesdropping in every household stuff. Is everything okay? I shouted at him on which he raised his eyes from the book on me.

"Don't forget you are going to be get humiliated tonight, get ready," Aareeb said on which I took his book from his Hand and hitting him with it I ran into my room.

After offering my Zuhr salah when I came outside I found Rasheeda aunty handing over something to mumma, I greeted her and moved into the kitchen.

"You forgot to mob the floor." bibi said me to which I raised my eyebrows.

It's been 8 pm, I am finally done with my cooking uffff, I need to freshen up and change my clothes. 'Ya Allah, don't ruin my 6 hours of this struggle and the trust he kept on me.' praying this I moved out from the kitchen.


Instagram - faslonnnehu

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