Part 5

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         Just one more hour left until prom and Dinah was already in for the finishing touches on her make-up. She had told Camila several times that tonight had to be perfect for her and her boyfriend Siope.

They were school's most popular couple for sure, and there wasn't a single soul who didn't 'ship' them.

Camila liked Siope, he never questioned why she always got lost in her own thoughts during lunch, he accepted her introverted side and she was grateful for that.

"We'll meet up with Austin and Siope in a bit but if I'm not mistaking some other friends are tagging along as well." Dinah informed Camila as she applied mascara to herself, onconsciously sticking out her tongue a bit.

"Okay, can you hurry up though? I've been waiting for almost an hour." Camila complained as she ironed her black dress, it was elegant yet seductive and Dinah told her that it would definitely win over Austin. Camila just nodded and pretended like it mattered.

"Just a few more minutes, mom." Dinah said playfully and within no time she walked out of the bathroom door, the proudest smile ever plastered on her face as she spun a few rounds to show Camila her dress.

"Wow," She breathed out. "Dinah, you look amazing."

"I know, don't go all gay on me now Cabello, I'm taken." Dinah joked as she enveloped the other in her arms and squeezed excitedly.

"O-okay," Camila squeaked as the Polynesian sucked all the air out of her lungs, "You can stop killing me now."

As she pulled away, Camila noticed a tear rolling down Dinah's face. She didn't even hesitate to bring her thumb to her cheek and wipe it away. "Why are you crying, DJ?"

"I'm not, shut up," Dinah tried. But when Camila gave her that I know you're lying to me right now-look she gave in and sighed. "Okay, so maybe I am? I'm just so happy that I get to experience my first real prom with my best friend, and I'm so happy that you've been 'out' of your deep thoughts for more than two hours." She paused, running a hand through her hair,

"Most of the time I don't know what's going through your mind and you always seem distant but right now it feels like I got my best friend back.."

Listening to Dinah's speech made Camila tear up as well as she bit her lip to stop herself from bursting into tears (which would ultimately ruin her make-up). Here they stood, in the middle of a bedroom with two beautiful dresses and both of them crying. And how weird it might sound, Camila felt content for the first time in a long time. She felt safe with Dinah, as long as she was by her side, she would be fine. "I love you, Cheechee."

"I love you too, Chancho."


Stepping into the gym, Camila's nostrils were already met by the unfamiliar scent of alcohol and she scrunched up her nose in disgust. Camila was never one to drink a lot, but she had a feeling that she was going to experience peer pressure tonight, especially with Austin by her side.

Speaking of, her eyes scanned the room full of students dancing and having fun but Austin was nowhere to be seen.

"Have you seen Austin? We were supposed to meet up at the entrance but I can't find him," Camila asked Siope who just intertwined hands with Dinah and gave her a small kiss.

He shrugged. "No idea, sorry kiddo."

Camila sighed in annoyance, was this guy really not going to show up? This one time that she decides to be social and not in her room all day, this happens. Of course.

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