Chapter 8

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The rain was still raging as I opened my eyes struggling to breathe as my vision adjusted. My body was cold from the rain and numb from the pain.The sky was pitch black Luckily I didn't fall straight down the cliff but rather tumbled down leaving me with only minor injuries. The rocks under me weren't as sharp or jagged as the ones that surrounded me. As I grew more aware of my surroundings the incident that led up to my fall played over and over in my head and with it I felt the guilt settle in.

Laurel...I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for being such a cowardly friend.

I wasn't strong enough. I was never strong enough to protect my friends or myself. I didn't know how long I laid there as I loathed myself for my actions. If anyone would have seen me they would have viewed me as pitiful which I was but pity wasn't going to get me anywhere. I tried to get up but my right leg seared with pain and I yelled out in response. I slowly sat up cautious of my right leg as I pulled up my soaked jeans.

My calf was dark purple with the outline of my tibia visible on the surface of my skin. Even with my leg broken but I was still persistent, I couldn't stay out here in the pouring rain I had to find a way back to camp. When I was at the brink of giving up hope a nearby branch that was long and thick enough to support me was peeking out between two boulders caught my attention and I crawled toward it and wrapped both of my hands around it and attempted to pull it out with any strength that I had left. With a couple good tugs the branch was free and I leaned against as I stood up to support my broken leg. There was no way I was going to make it up the cliff with my broken leg so a short cut needed to be taken. Beyond the boulders by the waterfall was the lush green forest; my way back to camp.

With a deep breathe I made my way across the boulders with my hand gripping the branch tightly as I lightly stepped onto each boulder. Upon reaching the forest I was using the branch to support not just my injured leg but my battered and beaten body. As I breathed in and out heavily the rain had stopped and the howling of the wolf packs began to repeat. I only then realized that I still had the map i had used before stored in the right pocket of my jacket. With one hand I unbuttoned my jacket and pulled out the map.

The journey back to camp would have taken roughly twenty minutes but in my case it could go up to an hour of struggling to get back to camp. The inclining path before me ascended upward and each step began to become harder and harder to endure but I managed. I was unaware how much time had passed until our schools campground came into view as the sky was still pitch black. There was sweat beading down my face even though it was nice and cool out. I was breathing heavily as my vision began to grow spotty as I moved forward toward camp.

I heard an unidentifiable voice calling v out to me but at that point I was nearly gone, I had collapsed onto the floor wheezing as I began to crawl towards camp but it seemed that my body had finally reached its limit as I was welcomed into the darkness once more.


I awoke to the sounds of murmurs and yelling that was unclear and muffled. I opened my eyes and above me was a row of wooden beams as I heard footsteps moving toward me.

"How are you feeling?" asked a woman in her late thirties as she tilted her head as whispers of curly black hair stuck out from her ponytail. Her sea green eyes were large and curious as a pair of round glasses rested on her small button nose. She smiled at me seeming to notice the confused expression on my face and even with the colorless room before us and her olive skin tone she shined brightly and emitted a aura of friendliness. "One of the proctors found you around two o'clock in the morning today. Would you explain to me how you acquired such injuries?"

I slowly sat up gritting my teeth as I did and only then did noticed a black splint on my leg. "How bad is it?" I ask ignoring her question to stall sometime. I knew what injuries I received even a fool would know, I just needed to come up with a valid excuse in order to justify my conditions.

The nurse only smiled at me possibly noticing the stunt I was about to pull. "You have a open fracture and bruises . There were also some prominent bruises that are not as new as the other ones? May I ask what happened."

"I got into a fight" I reply automatically as I gripped the linen sheets that covered me as I remembered my encounter with Isabel two days prior.

The nurse was cut short as the noise outside grew louder and Mrs. Baker barged wearing the same outfit as yesterday and wisps of her wavy hair sticking out of her usually tight bun. There were bags under her eyes and she looked as if she was in desperate need of sleep. Her eyes narrowed as we made eye contact and she placed one hand on her hips as she scoffed.

"I'll give you two some time alone" the nurse mumbled under her breath as she left with her clipboard under her arm. As the double doors shut Mrs. Baker began her banter.

"Do you know what you have done McCarthy? Not only have you tarnished our schools name but you have created a mess that is impossible to clean up after. Where the hell did you go last night?"


"Well what?"

"I just wanted a change of scenery so I decided to go for a little walk."

Ms. Baker stares at me with a raised eyebrow, unamused. She didn't believe a goddamn thing that I said, and I didn't expect her to."And your walk caused that kind of an injury?"

"I was alone and I got lost. I happened to lose my footing and ended up in the condition that I am in now."

"Don't lie, Ariel was with you."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I looked at her with confusion.

"Ariel told me everything." 

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