EXO members are very busy nowadays because they are currently promoting their newest song, Monster.
It is a Friday and right before going to Music Bank, they have an interview with WKorea, a very popular magazine in Korea.
You are at home, so bored and disappointed because your boyfriend, Baekhyun had promised you to watch a movie before going to Mukbang but had to cancel it because of the last minute interview they were going to have.
You and Baekhyun are not yet official (not yet announced to the public figures) but Baekhyun said that SM will make a statement soon.-
You are watching the television at your apartment and you decided to watch the interview that Baekhyun had canceled your movie date for (😂 ㅋㅋㅋ)
The interviewer named, Kang HaNeul is holding a list of questions for EXO. The first 4 questions were just about their album, songs, their inspiration and etc. You were starting to get bored and was about to change the channel to watch Descendants of the Sun because it was nearly time for it to air.
Right then, the interviewer asked Baekhyun a question.
"So, who is your ideal type? Or someone you have been eyeing on? Or maybe a girlfriend?"
Baekhyun was shocked and Sehun, the evil maknae gave Baekhyun a smirk that made the interviewer laugh and he gave Baekhyun a mischievous look. Baekhyun suddenly burst out laughing and all of the EXO members laughed as well.
He took a deep breath and begin to speak.
"Actually, I have someone, already", he smiled to the camera. You felt like he was talking to you. Chanyeol and Sehun were already singing Chen's song for DOTS called Everytime. They all laughed and Suho joined them as well.Baekhyun continued, "She is a student and she is a very lovely girl. I actually had to cancel a movie date that i have been planning for a while because of this interview. So I hope, by telling the world that she is mine she will forgive me ㅋㅋ"
"Wooooooo", the other members teased him like crazy.
He was shy and looked down.
"Anything you want to say to your girlfriend?", Haneul asked Baekhyun.He stayed quite for a while and Lay whispered something to him. He laughed and said...
"I love you,-_____ya!"
They were all screaming and jumping like monkeys. The interviewer laughed so much.
You were shocked and SOOOOOO happy. You never thought he would do such thing. You smiled to yourself and said, "I forgive you, pabo" under your breath.

FanfictionAll types of imagines for you fangirls out there! Romantic, cute, jealousy, sad and many more~ Message me to request yours now! Scroll down and search for the request form~ Anyeong and enjoy~