Lay imagine for @JungEulynn 😄💕
" I love you."
" I love you too ", the lead girl, Krystal Jung replied the man.They both hug.
You quickly switched off the television.
You stomp your feet and make your way to your room, feeling angry because of the scene Lay, your boyfriend of 2 years were in." Jagiya, where are you going? ", asked Lay as soon as you get up from your seat.
" Why did you switched off the tv for a sudden? "
You didn't answer him instead, you went to your room as fast as lightning.Lay knew that something was wrong. Thoughts were running through his head and SNAP, he remembered the scene he was in with Krystal.
He thought that must be the reason why Hyo Joo walked away and locked herself in her room.-- FlashBack --
--- Lay's P.O.V ---
I already signed for the drama with Krystal. She'll be the lead female while i'll be the lead male.
I've already read the script.
There will be a hugging scene of Krystal and I.
I know Hyo Joo will be mad at this but this is my very first drama offer and i don't want to let it down.
I'll just have to comfort her later when it airs.-- End of FlashBack --
--- Lay's P.o.v ---
I knocked on her door. She refused to open it. I knocked again for about 15 minutes and Hyo joo finally opened it.
Her eyes were teary. And red.As soon as i saw her like that, i hugged her tightly.
" Why did you hug Krystal? ", she asked me in between the hug.
" It was in the script and thedirector told us to. I'm very sorry. I will not do it again except if you're the lead female.... ", I replied with a smirk on my face.
" Ya, dont joke around. it's not funny. ", Hyo Joo said and ended up giggling a little.
" Ah you're so pretty when you laugh. "
Hyo Joo blushed and lightly hit my arm.
" ouch ", i said while faking the pain.She just smiled and she assisted me to the couch in the living room.
We sat there, head to head, while watching romantic dramas, until we fell asleep.
-- The End --
Hope you enjoy, Hyo Joo cutie! 💘
Thanks for reading lovelies.
Still open for requests! <3
x o x oBtw, GOT7 is so amazing.
Bambam replied my ig direct kikiki. And he liked my picture as well. Oh em gee. I'm freaking out 😱💕
Sorry for being so lame haha mianhae anyeong^^

FanfictionAll types of imagines for you fangirls out there! Romantic, cute, jealousy, sad and many more~ Message me to request yours now! Scroll down and search for the request form~ Anyeong and enjoy~