Sehun's P.O.V
I'm just scrolling exo tag on instagram as i was bored because our dance practice finished early. I refreshed the feed and there was this picture of a girl. I saw her username was @_____(your ig username hehe)
I went to her profile and i scrolled on it. I thought to myself, Her selcas are all very beautiful. I then realized she's a fan of infinite..Oh and she likes L..... but she puts hashtag exo in every picture. It's pretty weird but can't deny that she's very pretty. ( imagine you look like Park Sora okay? hehe and i found out some ppl like to put hashtag exo on their selfies, i find that a little bit weird but yeah whatever )
As i was " stalking " her,
" Sehun! ", Tao scremed.
I quickly click the home button, scared that Tao would see what i was looking at.
" Hun, quick! We are going to go to Mango Six ( a popular cafe in Korea ) .. ", Tao said.
" Ah, do I really have to come? ", I asked Tao.
He didn't answer me, he just walked away.
I let out a heavy sigh. I took my cap and went outside with the other members.
Your P.O.V
Mango Six is where i'll be working for summer. It's not that far from my apt. Plus, they will be paying me a lot too. kehkehkeh. I will be starting tonight. It's already 7 now. So i'm already on my way to work~ Don't want to be late on the first day, right?
I was on my phone, scrolling on my twitter. Seing updates of Infinite, on their comeback, Last Romeo. I'm a little bit sad beacause i can't watch them live because i have to go to work. Hmm.
I was going in Mango Six, but my eyes are still glued to my phone screen. * DUSH*
GREAT. JUST GREAT. I bumped into a guy on my first day of work. My phone fell. My beanie fell as well. The guy picked them up for me. " Mianhaeyo. kamsahamida ", i said to him.
As my eyes traveled to his face, he has a very pure face. His skin looks so smooth and not to mention, he is very tall. I had to turn my head up a little to see his full face. He kind of looked familiar. Then i realised that he is Sehun. Oh Sehun from EXO. Oh well it is not weird to be meeting k-idols on the streets of Seoul.. I'm not really a fan of EXO so i just ignored the fact that he's an idol.
Sehun's P.O.V
" Mianhae,kamsahamida ", she said to me as i was picking up her stuff.
I stared at her face for a moment. Wait, isn't she the girl, that i " stalked " just now.
She took her stuff and said that she has to go. She went inside the cafe.
Our manager hasn't come and picked us up yet, so now, we're waiting in front of the cafe.
I took my phone out and opened instagram. Thank god i still have her profile on my ig. I saw her latest update.
It was a selca of her. Wait, she's wearing the same beanie and shirt!
Her caption was, ' Nice weather. First day of work at Mango Six cafe. Fighting! '

FanfictionAll types of imagines for you fangirls out there! Romantic, cute, jealousy, sad and many more~ Message me to request yours now! Scroll down and search for the request form~ Anyeong and enjoy~