All types of imagines for you fangirls out there! Romantic, cute, jealousy, sad and many more~
Message me to request yours now! Scroll down and search for the request form~
Anyeong and enjoy~
Hi guys !! I am back~ After so long keke mian mian~ I am working on a new Sehun fanfic, i really hope you guys can spend some time and read it because it is CRINGE WORTHY, i swear heh~ It is called Knowing You~
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I just posted the first chapter and I will update as fast as I could so please wait patiently~ To those who requested for an imagine, I am also trying really hard to finish them all!! I'm sorry~ *\^0^/*
Oh here's a picture of me keke in case any of you guys missed me 😝 If you have Instagram, follow me @dhiyadenea Add me up on snapchat too, @oohdenea ((self promo 😂))
Oh one more thing, EXO's coming to my country (Malaysia) again next year, in March. But i don't think I can go though :( #SPM #IfYouKnowWhatIMean #RIPDenea