-_____,(your name)
Just like the other Fridays, you're just chilling on your bed after school, listening to EXO's First Snow. (You're a big fan of exo. Kai's your ultimate bias. You got posters covered your bedroom wall)
You got a nottification from your bestfriend.
Friend : Hey,-____,!
You : Yehet! What are you up too? (:
Friend : Hmm, nothing much. BTW, I GOT TO TELL YOU SOMETHING BIG! REALLY BIG!!! But promise me that you wouldn't freak out after hearing this!
You : Oh, what is it ? I'm getting curious ! Okay, i promise!
Friend : I got 2 pairs of tickets to EXO's fansign in Gangnam. It's happening this Saturday a.k.a TOMORROW!!! Wanna come with me ?! ^^
You : Are you flipping serious ? The tickets are soo darn expensive! OMGGG I CANT BELIEVE THIS GYAHHHHH YEHET!
Friend : My dad got it from his friend. He got 70% discount because his friend works at the company that's sponsoring EXO! GOSHH , are you coming ? If you dont want, i can give this extra ticket to ____( YOUR ENEMIE'S NAME LOL)
You : Heck yeah I amm ! Wait, what am i gonna wear ? gyahhhh lets go to the mall like rn omg!
Friend : Oh yess let's go! My mom's going to Gwangju mall too. So lets just follow her ..
You : Oh yeah sure. See you later ! Anyeong! ;))
You jumped out of bed and wore a daisy skater dress and paired it with a black tights. And as for shoes, you decided to go with some white chucks. You curled your hair and wore some make up.
You told your mom where you're going and went outside to wait for your friend.
Arrived the mall. It was really packed eventhough it was on a weekday. You had to walk around half a mile because the car park was full.
You entered the mall and you guys separated. You and your friend went to the clothing section while your friend's mom went to the cooking utilities section.
As you were looking at some clothes, this whole bunch of screaming girls walked past you and pushed you. They went to this one crowded place. The place was very crowded but you didn't bother to know what it was all about.
So, you just keep looking at the clothes with your friend.
As you were paying at the counter, your friend said,' Who is that boy? He keeps on looking at you. He looks like Kai though,'
*turns your head*
' Hm, he does look like Kai. But why would Kai be doing at the Gwangju mall? ' , you replied to your friend while laughing.
' Wait, isn't that Chen? And D.O?!!!', your friend asked you in shock.' OMG THAT'S DEFINATELY THEM!! LOOK! THE FANGIRLS! OHMAIGOD! That must be them!
You didn't believe your friend so you didn't look at them. You paid the cashier and waited for the change.
' -_____, they're walking towards us. Oh mai godd.. I'm serious-____! It's Chen. D.O and Kai! I'm 100% sure!!
As you friend were talking, Chen, D.O and Kai walked towards you guys.
D.O said, ' Eh, anyeonghaseyo, D.O imnida.'
You turned your head towards the familliar voice and ... adreanaline rushes through your body.

FanfictionAll types of imagines for you fangirls out there! Romantic, cute, jealousy, sad and many more~ Message me to request yours now! Scroll down and search for the request form~ Anyeong and enjoy~