Chapter 6

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There was just awkward silence everywhere. It was suffocating and I couldn't move a muscle. I heard a muffled laugh and I shot whoever it was a glare. It was Tamaki and he immediately shut up because he knew that when this whole thing was over, he's going to get some sweet, sweet revenge.

I tried my best to ignore those fools who just stood there probably wishing they were in Hikaru's spot. Actually, I'm pretty sure that I heard a bit of their thoughts spilling out of their ears. I blushed a little, feeling the heat rush to my ears from both anger and embarrassment and tried to hide it with my hair.

What am I supposed to do?! I caused this and I don't know what to do. I'm afraid of moving him but I think it's the only thing we can do at the moment.

"Ok you guys. I have an idea but we're all gonna have to work together, quietly," I whispered harshly. They seemed to shift on their heels and lean in a bit. "We can't just sit here like this until he wakes up, because who knows when that will be. So we need to carry him to his room." They stood their, not moving an inch, faces blank and idiotically annoying. "Move!"

They scrambled around and lightly grabbed a piece of Hikaru's body. I carried his head, since it was the easiest to reach considering that it was face down in my breasts. We shifted him around so that he was facing up now and slowly stepped around obstacles and up the stairs. I looked down as we were shifting around a house plant and gazed at Hikaru's sleeping face. His nose twitched a bit as Tamaki tripped over his own foot.

"Retard! Be careful!" I scolded in a harsh whisper.

I balanced his head carefully on one hand and used the other to gently brush away his carrot colored hair from his warm face. It was so soft, like bunny fur. I had to restrain myself from running my hands through his whole head. We finally reached the top of the steps, now everyone regretting putting him on the third floor, and eased our way down the hall with clumsy grace. We reached the end of the hall where Hikaru and Kaoru shared a room. There was only one bed inside the dull, grey walled room and we set him down gently on one side that Kaoru said was his.

"Gently!" I hissed harshly.

We got him on the bed and snuggled underneath the covers. He looked so peaceful as he slept. The way his chest rose and fell with such ease was comforting. He wasn't dead. I wonder. I began to think. I wonder if I could read the minds of people who are sleeping.

"It was worth a shot," I accidentally said out loud. Thankfully everyone had slipped out of the room, probably afraid of me punishing them for their foolish behaviors. It was a good choice though, it gave me a chance to be alone with him. Just him, me and our thoughts.

I lingered a bit by the side of his bed before deciding that it was best for me to sit if I were going to try to creep into his head. I'm not a very balanced person, especially if I'm not in my own mind at the time. I pulled up the desk chair that sat, abandoned in the corner. I sat down and took a deep breath. Parts of me were saying that this was wrong and I shouldn't invade into another's personal thoughts. But then the other part of me thought, this is a gift you were given. It was bestowed upon you for a reason, whether it was bad or good. I mean, how many people get the chance to be able to read someones mind?! Not a lot, I assume or this would be a normal thing. I wouldn't even be sitting here thinking about it like it was some federal offense if people used this as an everyday thing. But then again, sane people would have more restraint.

I cursed under my breath as I decided to go against the angels in my head and side with the devils on this one. I closed my eyes and reached out for Hikaru's conscience. Or what was left of it.

It was black. And empty. I wandered about for some time, not finding a single thing except black nothingness.

"This is hopeless!" I shouted to the empty. I listened as it echoed back, ten times louder causing me to crumple over, holding my ears.

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