Chapter 1

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"Mommy!!! Daddy!!!! Nnnnooooooo!!!" I screamed.

Men came in the house and started searching for something. I don't know what it is and I don't care, they tied mommy and daddy up and started searching again.

"Run, run (y,n) get away from here and get somewhere safe!!"

"No mommy I won't leave you!!!"

"(Y,n) do as your mother says you need to get to a safe place!" Daddy said.

"No I want to stay with you!!!"

"(Y,n) please listen to us!" He said again.

"B-but what are the bad men gonna do to you?!?"

"We'll be okay I promise, once the bad men are gone we will come find you." This time it was my mommy.

"Promise!! Promise me you'll be okay mommy!!"

"I promise..."

"We love you (y,n), please don't ever forget us, we will always be with you, and please remember what we have tought you." They started to cry.

"Stop it don't say that mommy, your gonna be okay!!"

"We love you!!"

"Come here you little brat." One of the men tried to grab me.

I moved out of the way and started running without looking back.


"Damn she got away." The bad man said.

I was hiding in a corner behind some boxes watching them.

"Oh well forget about her, keep looking for the books!!"

The men kept looking for whatever they were looking for.

"I found them!!!!"

A man came out from the basement with some weird looking books. They started looking through the books.

"Damn it they're fake!!!! Where the hell did you put the serum old man!?!"

"Hey watch it I'm only 22, don't call me old!" Daddy said.

"Whatever, what the hell did you do with it!!"

"I put it somewhere you'll never find it!"

A man walked up to the one that was yelling and whispered something in his ear. The bad man that was yelling at daddy smirked.

"Never mind. Go search the city for the girl men don't let her escape!!"

"What are you doing!?!?! No, stay away from her she has nothing to do with this!!!! Leave her alone!!!"

One man with a weird thingy walked up to mommy and there was a big *BANG* sound. Mommy was bleeding badly and she wasn't moving.

"Kayla!!!! Damn you she didn't deserve it!!!" Daddy looked mad.

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