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Jimin placed the folders down on the table and made sure that they each had everything that was needed in them. He was about to leave when the door opened a male with sliver hair walked in. He stepped back as the guy stared at him confused.

"Who are you?"

"Mr.Min's secretary." He said, the guy was about to respond when he was pushed out of the way. Mr. Min walked in behind him and took a seat in the middle, not bothering to say anything.

"Leave Jim."

"Yes sir. ItsJiminbytheway." Jimin said quickly and did as told. He walked past May as she greeted the officials politely. He stood next to Taehyung who did the same but on her opposite side.

"So how we getting rid of her?" He whispered as he smiled at a female.

"Not sure but Jungkookie will probably come up with something. Now let's go before Yoongi comes out to yell at us."

The day went calm for the most part. Jimin had no issue with his work however it was his boss who he did. The man was nonresistant after his meetings until mid way through noon hit. After that, Jimin had not been able to rest. He was forced to use to bathroom even if he didn't need to, it was the only time of silence he had afterwards. Taehyung was screaming and the clicking of his May's mouse was driving him crazy.

"I need you in here now!" Jimin groaned as he heard that for the hundredth time, he grabbed some papers and made his way in. At this point he didn't even bother knocking, he'd been there for about 3 weeks and knocking just seemed useless.


"Look at this" Mr.Min said in a stern voice and handed him some papers.

Jimin was confused but took read the papers carefully. He screamed in his head as it was registered what it meant. "A-All of it? By tomorrow?! B-But i-it takes hours to do."

"Exactly so you'll have to work overtime so go eat and come back in an hour. I'll text you what I want for dinner. Now go."

"Yes Mr.Min." Jimin slugged out of the office and back his desk. He almost fell over when he realized a familiar blonde male was in the office. "J-Jin what are you doing here?!"

The male stopped talking to Taehyung and looked at him. He excused himself and threw himself towards his friend. "Jiminie!"

"You weren't picking up your phone so I came to get you. Let's go home and order some food."

"Oh I can't. I have to work overtime." Jimin braced himself as he waited for Jin to explode, however it never came.

"Okay let's go eat somewhere then."

Jimin shrugged, it seemed to best the best thing that would come from the day. Dinner with Jin was a routine but that day, he was excited for it. Together the two entered the elevator, he pressed the button but a yell to wait made him look up. Mr.Kim who was rushing towards them. Jin was too busy looking at his nails to even notice.

"Thank you Jimin" The man smiled at him and the action was returned. At this Seokjin perked up and stared at the male. Jimin looked between them as they stared at each other.

"Um Mr.Kim this is my best friend, Jin."

"Seokjin..." Jin whispered, eyes still glued onto him as if he was in a daze.

"I'm Namjoon, one of the bosses here. Nice to meet you..." He extended his hand but Jin was in too much of a daze to notice. Jimin sighed and elbowed him, instantly he glared at him and took the hand. He watched confused as they kept staring at each other, hands still together.

"Um... Mr.Kim this is your floor." Jimin mumbled as the door open to some random floor. "

Ah yes, I uh it was n-nice meeting you Jin." Namjoon smiled at Jin and left, waving at Jimin. The elevator door closed and Jimin turned his attention to his friend.

"Hello?! What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked annoyed by his friend's behavior. Jin looked to him cluelessly, he shook his head.

"Nothing wrong with me, what's wrong with you?"

Jimin rolled his eyes at the male and left him to follow him out of the building.


"See you tomorrow!" Taehyung waved at Jimin and he waved back as he made his way down the hallway. He opened the door and made his way to his desk on the opposite side of the room.

"Yoongi I swear I thought I saw an angel."

"Joon please, stop exaggerating. Now get lost please and do me a favor have your papers in by tomorrow, if not that secretary of yours is out of here got it?"

"It's not her fau-"

"Shut the door on the way out." Yoongi commanded. Namjoon simply scoffed and exited the room with nothing more to be said.

"Okay Jim bring those over here." The man across the room motioned to Jimin with his hand.

"Yes but um Mr.Min my name is actually Jimin."

"Congrats. Now get over here so we look those over."

JImin rolled his eyes and turned around to walk to the other side of the room. He stopped midway when he realized the male was no longer at his desk but at the couch in the middle of the room.

"For today Jim."

"Where should I sit?" He asked contemplating if it was odd to sit next to him. However, his boss thought otherwise for he patted the spot next to him and Jimin hesitantly sat next to him. "Okay let's start, here."

Jimin was handed a cup with a brown looking liquid. He was confused as to what to do with it but when Mr.Min motioned for him to go on, he took a sip but instantly stopped as he realized what it was.

"I don't think we should be drinking with so much work to do." Jimin winced at the taste of the drink.

"Just to loosen up a bit, got a long night ahead."

Jimin looked between his boos, the cup and the stacks of papers. All three things were the source of his recent stress, and all three would be present in the long night ahead. He shrugged and thought he might as well.


Hope you enjoyed!


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