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"Eomma! Hyung puked all of the floor again!" Jihyun screamed on the top of his lungs. Jimin wanted to roll his eyes but he couldn't, his energy was too drained. He let himself sit back down on the floor and lean against the toilet.

"Urgh it smells!" his little brother made a face of disgust as he flushed away the remains. Jimin ignored him as he clenched his jaw, he just hoped no more would come up.

"Honey?" his mother called out for him, "Throwing up again?". Jimin nodded, it'd been like this for the past few days. They weren't sure what was wrong with him but he refused to go see a doctor.

"Jiminie I think it's time you go see a doctor." his father pipped on. Jimin shook his head, he had an idea what was wrong with him but he knew it'd be trouble for him if they found out. He stood up and prepared his toothbrush.

"Are you guys just going to stand there?" he question. The three stared at him concerned through the mirror. Jimin shook his head and carried on with cleansing his mouth.

"He's acting like a pregnant woman." his father broke the silence. Jimin choked on the mixture of water and paste in his mouth. He spit straight into the mirror and began coughing violently. Jihyun laughed at him while his mother patted his back harshly in attempts to make him stop.

"Honey please, this isn't the first time he's been like this. Remember when he ate your spice...Park Jimin!" his mother screamed a grabbed his ear. Jimin clenched his jaw as she picked up his head with her finger between her ears.

"Eomma!" he whined as she pulled him past his brother and father into the kitchen. He still had remains of toothpaste on his chin but that didn't appear to be an issue to her when she sat him down on the table.

"Move and you're grounded." she pointed at him while she dug through the refrigerator. His father strolled into the room with his brother following behind. "Food time?" his brother questioned as he sat down on the chair. His father returned from the sink with a wet cloth and began wiping away at his eldest son's face.

"You better have not eaten it." he whispered. "She'll know somethings up and you won't be able to dodge it."

Jimin nodded, he knew. When he was younger he'd devour his father's bottle of spice when he was sad, he found the physical pain it brought was a distraction from the emotional one.

"Boys out of the room, Jimin you stay." his mother announced. His father gave his chin one last wipe before kissing his forehead, he walked out with Jihyun trailing him. He looked down at his hands and fiddled with his fingers, bracing himself for the scream.

"Baby what's wrong?" his mother asked softly. She was now siting in front of him, her hand grasping his. He shook his head, trying to hold in the tears that were ready to fall.

"N-Nothing." he choked out. He began crying.

His mother stood up and pulled him up with her. He wrapped his arms around his thin's mother's waist and sobbed into her chest. "N-Nothing's w-w-wrong." he repeated. She didn't say anything though, she just ran her thin finger through his soft hair.

"I'm taking your dad and brother out for breakfast, you can stay here and I'll bring you back food. It'll give you some time to think about how your going to tell me what's wrong." she said, pushing him away. She wiped away the remaining tears and kissed his cheeks.

"Go upstairs and get some rest. I'll bring back some medicine okay?" she grinned at him and he nodded. He felt like a little kid all over again, being told everything would be okay by his dearly beloved mother.

He left the room. Jimin slugged up to his bed room and threw himself on the bed. His stomach was still in pain so he lied in his bed with his eyes closed shut but he remained wide awake. He stayed like that for the longest time so long he thought he started hearing things.

He sat up and stared at his window where he thought he's heard something hitting the glass. It came again, a pebble hit his window. He assumed it was probably some kids playing pranks on him so he fell back on the bed and tried to ignore it.


He eyes shot up and he scrambled off the bed. He didn't even bother to check to window for he knew exactly whose voice that was. He tripped off the last stair but it barely slowed down. He ran to the door and swung it open.

"Yoongi!" he yelled out to the man on the sidewalk who kept throwing pebbles at his window."Yoongi!" he screamed again as he ran out of the house and met his half way in a hug. He held him tightly, and cried softly as fingers ran through his locks.

"Prince." Yoongi pushed him away. He leaned in and pressed his lips on to his. Jimin smiled into it seconds later and pulled away. A sharp pain stung at his stomach forcing him to wrap his arms around area.

"Prince what's wrong?"Yoongi asked concerned. Jimin explained the entire spice situation while pulling him inside. He locked them in his room and took a seat on the bed, Yoongi followed.

"Why?" he asked softly. He looked into the soft yet heart broken eyes in front of him. Yoongi didn't respond though, he pulled him in for another embrace. He knocked him down and lied besides him on the bed.


"I couldn't stand another day with out you, two weeks was too much to bare." he whispered into his ear as he stroked his head. "Let's just forget for now."Jimin let the worry flow right out of his thoughts and turned around to hug back. He breathed in the scent he'd missed so much. "I love you." he whispered as he closed his eyes and fell asleep for the first time in the past two days.


Bet u all thought it was mpreg hA

Hope you enjoyed!


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