Chapter 14 ✔️

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- Rebecca / Becky's P.O.V -

My alarm clock started beeping , causing a groan to fall from my lips. I shoved out my arm hitting multiple things off my bedside table until I finally hit the snooze button. I sighed and lifted the covers over me.

I slid out of bed and walked towards my walk in closet. One thing i have missed is my closet. I picked out a striped white and blue dress , a pair of navy blue toms and some black RayBan's. I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower and changed into my fresh clothes and underwear. I brushed my teeth and applied a bit of makeup then threw my hair into a ponytail.

Walking down the stairs , i grabbed a apple. Looking around but Dad was nowhere to be found he was obviously at work. It was very quiet... too quiet , i'm not used to it being quiet anymore the boys were always running around screaming and being silly at all times;I smile too myself thinking of them.

I walked along my driveway , clicking the button too lock my car. I walked up to my front door and unlocked it. I had an two hour shopping date with the mall followed by lunch with a few of my friends.

''DAD I'M HOME... DAD?'' i called out . Placing my bag on the floor and my keys on the counter i found a post it note on the counter,

'Hi love , gone out with Sharron and a few other workers. Don't wait up , Theres money on top of the fireplace if you want too get a pizza or something. Love you - Daddy''

I sighed softly and threw the sticky note in the bin , alone again. I walked up the stairs and took out my phone charger plugging it into my phone. Oh yeah i was meant to Skype Calum today , i opened up my laptop and scrolled through my contacts clicking on Calum's name. He didn't answer so i rang again, still no answer. I shrugged and placed my laptop on the floor. I flicked on my t.v and started watching a rerun of friends.

I was about to fall asleep when the annoying skype sound was coming from my laptop , i sighed and re-opened my eyes. Picking up my laptop and answering the call.

''Hello!'' Calum said

''Oh shit i woke you up ...sorry!!'' He apologized

''It's fine , '' I smiled, rubbing my eyes. We spent the next hour making small talk and messing around. Calum even sang for me when i was starting to get tired and i actually fell asleep too the sound of his beautiful voice.


So its been two months already !! Since i last saw the guys. I've spoken to Ana everyday possible and we text everyday. Me and Calum occasionally text and skype not as much as the start though.I keep in contact with Luke and Michael through Ashton. I call Lauren and Harry once every couple of weeks. They're all doing good.

Dads been working crazy right now , he seriously needs a break but its coming up too Christmas now so he's obviously trying to get more money for the occasion. I walked down the stairs and grabbed a bowl of cereal , and made my way into the dining room and found my dad on his laptop. I sighed and sat next to him.

''Hey dad'' i smiled

.....''Hi Dad'' i repeated myself


''Oh , yeah? Sorry love , i'm a bit busy here'' he said looking up at me. I sighed and shoved a spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

''When are you going to stop working!!'' I sighed running my hand through my hair

''Actually, I need to talk to you about work'' he said. I looked up and nodded gesturing for him to carry on talking.

''Well... " Great , he's never lost for words unless theres something he is guilty about.

''What now dad?'' I mumbled taking another spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

''I'm going to be on a business trip in America for a few weeks'' he said

''Right. so i'm alone until Christmas." I said sarcastically

''About that..''

''Dad? You are coming home for Christmas right?'

''RIGHT?'' I repeated standing up from my seat.

'' Becca , You know i'm trying to get this promotion i could be getting big money for this job. I'm sorry sweetheart i have to do this'' he sighed looking back down to his laptop.

I ran my fingers through my hair , I let out a large breath of air and walked out of the room;stopping in the doorway.

''Thanks , just thanks'' I muttered throwing my hands up in exaggeration and making my way into the kitchen.

''Great...PERFECT!!! ALONE ON CHRISTMAS!!'' I yelled , grabbing my bowl and throwing it into the sink.

'' Don't be mad sweetheart'' Dad said following me back out into the kitchen.

''Leave me alone'' I sighed and ran up the stairs. I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling , its not the first time i've been alone on Christmas without dad i mean all the other times i had Josh.

Josh , he was my first real boyfriend , my first actual relationship. Nothing happened between us i mean he was a great guy but he joined the Army force and we broke up. He didn't want me to hold back on life while he was out fighting he didn't think it was fair on me. I still speak to his sister so i keep up with him , to see if he's alright and all.

Enough about that , i'm going to be alone on Christmas. I'm not even looking forward to it now , Great now i'm turning into the Grinch. There was a knock on the door and i groaned ,

''Come in'' i said. I felt my matress sink and i opened my eyes looking at my father. He looked stressed and upset he looked down at the floor and sighed. I sat up and sat next to him me too sighing.

''I won't do the job if you don't want me too'' he said

''No dad , its fine honestly i'll manage'' i tried to let out a smile but it came out more a forced one.

''It's not fair on y-'' i interrupted him.

''Dad , you want to get this job and the money will benefit us both... i'll be fine i promise''

''Are you sure?'' he said looking at me. I nodded slightly , i knew he really has been desperate for the next promotion for years and i guess it wont be so bad being alone.

''Hey i got a great idea...''

''Yeah what's that?'' I scoffed

''Well , what about if you go stay at your Mums? '' he said. My jaw dropped and i let out a huge grin. I forgot all about them... not literally just the idea never came into mind.

''Really?!'' i squealed

''Yeah i'll have to speak to your mother of course'' he smiled

''Oh my god , yay!!'' i jumped up clapping.

''Will the others be there you think?'' i asked. My dad laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

''Love you'' he smiled and walked out. I squealed again and started dancing around the room.

''Rebecca'' my dad called , i walked out my room and looked down the stairs.

''Your mother said it was okay , and you can stay there until i get back which is from Chritmas until February'' he said ,

I nodded and was about to walk back to my room when i noticed my dad was all dressed up.

''Where you off too?'' i chuckled ,

''Out with a few workers for dinner''

''Sure...'' i winked and let out a giggle.

''OH YOU MIGHT WANT TO PACK... YOU LEAVE NEXT WEEK!!'' he called as i walked back to my room.

''ALRIGHT!!'' I screamed back. I took out my two suitcases from my closet and looked around my wardrobe.

I was so exited i couldn't wait too see them all... especialy Calum.

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