Chapter 23

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I was in a deep sleep dreaming of all the possibilities London has to offer i've always wanted to visit it and i can't wait until we land i wonder if we'll be able to go on a red bus? and visit the london eye oh an- , interrupting my dreams and thoughts a squeaky voice rang in my ear.

"Becca... Becky.. Beck...Reb...Rebecca" the person said under their breath , i stirred around and groaned opening my eyes and looking at Ana.

"Yes?" i mumbled giving her a death glare.

"We're going to land soon so you might want to change"

"Why should i change?" i gestured too my outfit , i was wearing shorts and a tank top... i thought i looked alright for just a plane journey.

"If you want too freeze to death then go ahead" she chuckled i forgot that it was winter in England when we had summer. 

"Thanks" I whispered carefully looking at calum to the side of me who was fast asleep.

"Your welcome" she replied and jumped back into her seat next to Luke.

I carefully lifted up Calums head from my shoulder and slipped out of my seat i opened the cabinet above our seats and removed the small carry on bag and walked towards the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door , i pulled off my t-shirt...- I screamed as the door opened to find a smirking Calum standing there ,

"Calum get out!" I yelled , pulling my jumper over my head.

"Should learn to lock the door" he said walking forward into the small bathroom and locking the door.


"Sh" he whispered coming closer to me , I walked back and hit my back against the wall. He attached his lips to mine in a short passionate kiss. He placed his hands up my jumper and rubbed his hands up and down my back...i shivered at the contact of his cold hands on my skin and Calum chuckled. I placed my hands around his neck and pulled him in closer i licked his lip for entrance which he declined i pulled back and groaned.

"Eager are we... you'll have too wait till we land" he chuckled , leaving small kisses down my neck. He pulled back with a smile and walked out of the bathroom. I cursed he was such a tease i guess its payback for last night... I smiled as the memories played back. There was a knock on the door that knocked my out of my thoughts

"Just a minute" i yelled.

I quickly slipped off my shorts and put on my black skinny jeans. I tied my black converse up and shoved my other clothes into my bag. I quickly checked my hair and re-applied a bit of make up then walked out. I smiled at the old women and she just muttered something and pushed me out of the way... cranky lady. I placed the bag back in the storage space and placed my coat on the chair. I sat down in my seat and rested my head on Calum's shoulder.

Calum takes out his phone  and we start taking cute, silly selfies. A few have us sporting surprised faces , or our tongues poking out or both of us pouting. There is one of him kissing my cheek and me making a stupid fish face.

"Delete it" i whine

"No i like this one" he chuckles setting his lock screen as it.

"Noooo... " i frown

''Ooh send me that one" i point out the one of us both laughing at each other ... we were laughing at Michael who was singing extremely loud to one of the songs playing on his ipod and he didn't even realize until a flight attendant told him off making him go all red and embarrassed. Calum sent the picture to me and i saved it and set is as my lock screen.


We walked out of the plane and grabbed our luggage and headed out too the exit. Calum held my hand in his and swung it back and fourth. A few security guys came and took our luggage from us we walked through the doors. Loud screams and squeals echoed the room followed by camera flashes and yells. I squinted my eyes and held on too Calums hand tighter. He pulled me by the waist as crowds of screaming girls ran around us. I gulped and buried my head into his chest.. don't get me wrong i don't mind crowds and i don't mind Calum socializing and meeting with the fans but this was all too much for me. 

"Get ready" Calum whispered

"What?" i said

Calum grabbed my hands and pushed through the crowd once we got to a empty space he sprinted too the exits pulling me along with him. As we got outside Liz was standing by a car and gestured for us too get in. We slid into the car and buckled our seat belts the radio was playing in the background and we waited for the other boys to get to the car.


"For what?" i asked

"The fans... you could of got hurt" he frowned

"Yeah but i'm fine..."

"I know b-"

"Shut up" i smiled and pecked him on the lips.

''I promise nobody will ever hurt you princess" he said and kissed my forehead softly





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