Chapter 3

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For the following weeks Sunny had left they spent their days and nights together. They read each other stories, rode the horses, fished and waited up to see shooting stars. They really were in love and even though they were young, they were serious. Already Justice had experienced the most breath taking summer ever.

As the summer came to an end it was time for Sunny to return home. The pair had been living at the horse ranch for two weeks, living on the food Sunny could sneak from his aunt’s house. Justice had promised Sunny she would return home after he had left, but every time she even thought about it she felt like crying.

Justice watched Sunny load his uncle’s truck with his belongings and when it came to the last bag she began to panic. She rushed over to Sunny and pushed him up against the truck.

“Please, don’t leave me.” She begged’

Sunny sighed and held her hands, “Justice, today is already gone but tomorrow is the future. Tomorrow I’ll be gone and you’ll be okay.”

Justice fell to the floor and cried, “Please, take me with you.” She begged

Sunny grabbed her and pushed her away, “Go home Justice!” he yelled

It was breaking Sunny’s heart to watch Justice in such despair, but it was out of his hands. She was too young to run away with him and it’s not as if they had the money. Even though it killed him just this once he had to break her heart.

As fast as he could he jumped into the truck and demanded his uncle to drive. With all her might Justice chased after him, coughing from the sand cloud building up along the dirt track. Sunny couldn’t watch her chase after him, it was destroying him. He wanted to jump out and marry her on the spot.

Justice’s legs gave up and like a broken angel, she fell to the floor. Scuffing her face and knee’s but that pain could never compare to the pain Sunny could make her feel. After an hour of just sitting on the road, hoping Sunny would come back and would have changed his mind she slowly walked back to her house that seemed so unfamiliar.

She peered through the window and noticed her father and sister at the dinner table praying with a picture of Justice in the usual place she sat. As Justice hadn’t been home for nearly a month now her farther had put posters up everywhere in the city. Bridget had even walked around the local area searching for her. Justice knew they loved her but she still couldn’t help but think that they had it in for her and didn’t really care. She slowly stepped up onto the porch of the house and knocked anxiously on the door.

She stepped back and took a deep breath, over thinking what was about to happen. Bridget walked over to the door and slowly unlocked the door, clueless to what was about to happen. She opened the door and noticed her younger sister glaring back at her. Bridget gasped and stepped back, startled. Bridget’s father noticed her reaction and raced to the door, he suddenly choked on his words as he noticed his missing girl stood on the door step.

“Justice!” Bridget cried

Bridget suddenly leaped and wrapped her arms around Justice, bursting into tears. Justice started crying her sister’s arms and looked over at her father. Her father was mumbling to himself, trying to convince himself it was all a dream. Justice smiled with tears falling down her cheeks and kissed them both on the cheek.

“We thought you were dead!” cried Bridget

Their father walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. Bridget and Justice followed him and sat down, enjoying each other’s company for the first time.

Their father suddenly looked up and crossed his arms, “Where have you been Justice?” he asked

Justice and Bridget suddenly stopped talking and it seemed all attention was on Justice. Justice swallowed her breath and looked over at her older sister. Bridget held her sisters hand and smiled.

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