Come Back To Me

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Hey everyone. This is my first story written on Wattpad, but I have written stories like this before. It may be a little slow to start with, but I do hope you all like it and stick to reading it. Like I've said, I'm new to Wattpad and don't really know how this works haha, so bear with me please. This part is just a taster, so I hope you like it.

Love Georgie xx




He had returned a week ago but being unable to see her broke his heart. Every morning while he was out there, hot and alone with limited food and water, he had thought of ending his life for the sake of her being able to live her life, without the worry of where he was or whether he was actually alive or not. But every morning he would look at her picture he had, and look into those beautiful brown eyes and thought the promise I made, is a promise that I will keep.

He bound up the front steps of the entrance to the grand ballroom and pushed the grand doors open, attracting the attention of the entire room. All eyes were on him as he searched the room for the person whom he needed the most. The one who had saved him from himself. His eyes found her almost instantly, as she slowly rose from her seat. Her beauty just as he remembered it. He removed his hat, standing at attention at the top of the grand stair case, as men of a higher rank to him stood among the people in the ballroom.

The room was silent as he slowly began to walk down the top few stairs, his eyes falling once again on the one he loved, the one who had once again saved him. When their eyes met, he paused for a moment, a lump forming in his throat. God I’ve missed you he thought, bracing himself as he saw her movements forwards quicken and he couldn’t take it any longer. And so he ran to her, descending the grand stair case, ignoring all 900 and something pair of eyes fixated on this magical moment

And so she ran to him, bounding across the grand ballroom with 976 pairs of eyes watching her and the most emotional moment that she had ever had in her life. For months she thought he had gone and would never return to her. For months she thought that he was dead and in a safer place now. For months she thought that she would never see his face again. Never feel his strong, protective arms around her. Never feel his soft tender kisses on her lips. Never feel his shielding body against hers. Never look into his now unguarded eyes, and see deep into his soul, see the love that poured through those emerald green irises, see the love he had for her, feel the love he had for her. And now, in this moment, she realised that he had kept his promise. He had stayed loyal to the promise that he had made those many months ago.

I never break my promises’ his deep and soothing voice echoed in her mind as they reached one another in the middle of the room, all eyes on this moment. Her arms wrapped around his neck as his lips found hers. Soft and tender, just like I remember she thought to herself as she ran her hands through his soft, chestnut curls. Oh how I’ve missed these curls she thought as she pulled away and looked deeply into the emerald jewels of his eyes. Love seeping through them as tears cascaded down their cheeks.

“You came back to me” she uttered as he pulled her into a tight and protective embrace.

“I never break my promises” his smooth voice whispered in her ear.

This moment that she had dreamed for all this time had finally come true. The love of her life was safe. The boy that she had saved from a life of misery and despair was now doing the same for her. The boy she once adored became a man she now deeply loved, with all her heart.

   Her hero had returned home…………..he’d come back to her……


So what did you all think?? I know it may seem a little rubbish at first, but it will get better (hopefully)

If anyone wants to make a cover for this story then I will be eternally grateful.

Once again, thanks for taking the time to read this story.

Love Georgie xx

Come Back To Me // H.S AU - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now