Chapter 8

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Hello my lovelies! This update took longer than anticipated but here it is. I hope you all enjoy and don't forget to VOTE COMMENT and FOLLOW me too. I love you all so very much!

Georgie xx

Chapter 8:

                A slight twitch is what woke Harry from his surprisingly peaceful, non-nightmare filled sleep. His conscious stirred as he waited for the second twitch to occur, but when there was no follow through, he simply relaxed his mind and willed for sleep to return.

                Unfortunately it didn’t.

                “No” a voice murmured from the person lying beside him, followed by another twitch. “Let go” the voice sounded louder this time. Harry’s conscious mind began to stir and wake more as the twitching and distressed murmurs continued. He opened his eyes to see the darkness still overpowering the room as his eyes flashed towards the alarm clock on the table next to the bed. 3:45am was the time that it read. Harry’s eyes scanned to the other side of the bed and fell on the body of Aurora lying next to him. Her brow was creased in distress and she continued to twitch as whimper slightly.

                “Please no” Aurora whimpered again as she threw her arms out in front of her. Harry sat up abruptly after her hands began to push his arms from around her body.

                “Rose?” he questioned softly, placing his hand lightly on her shoulder and shook her gently, trying to get her to wake up; but her eyes didn’t budge.

                “No. Please, let me go” her moans where stronger and louder this time around and the force she put behind pushing Harry away was much more effective. “Please” she pleaded. Harry had realised that the tables had turned and that it was Harry trying to wake Aurora up from her nightmare rather than the other way round. “No. No. NO!” Aurora yelled – borderline screamed – her last plea before her arms began to push away and hit the closest thing that was near her; i.e. Harry. A forceful punch made contact with his face and chest and strong thrashing legs pounded against his shins; almost in an attempt to get away from whoever was haunting her unconscious mind.

                “Rose” Harry called dodging her thrashing movements in an attempt to seize them. But there was no use. No sooner had he grabbed hold of her forearm had she thrust her arm out of his grip and powerfully hit his chest, winding him slightly. Harry recovered in no time and tried to seize her movements again. He grabbed hold of her arms but this time he let them go of his own accord as a loud, ear piercing scream sounded around the room. “ROSE” Harry shouted over her scream. He knew that he had to do something quickly otherwise he risked Aurora causing injury to him or even worse, herself.

                Harry gripped Aurora’s wrists firmly and ignored her piercing screams and cries of “No” “Get off me” “Let me go” “Please” and straddled her waist in order to seize the thrashing of her legs. She continually cried out in distress and almost pain as Harry held her hands above her head, holding her down firmly.     

                “Rose” he said, hoping to get her attention as she continued to struggle in his hold, but it wasn’t until he shouted “ROSE STOP” that her eyes flew open, glazed in fear and shock as she stared up at Harry. “Shh Rose” he cooed as tears began to pool in her eyes and slowly cascade down her temples. There was a few seconds of silence and all that could be heard was the harsh breathing that escaped Harry as he tried to regain his breathes after literally wrestling Aurora to the bed. Quite sobs then broke out as Aurora’s breathing became ragged and uneven. In her distressed and hyperventilating state, Harry let go of her wrists and rolled off her body. He pulled her up to straddle his waist as he cradled her distressed and terrified body against his chest. Harry knew that the nightmare that Aurora had just had was somehow linked to the events that had happened the previous evening. What these events were though, were unknown to Harry; but after witnessing her terrified and fragile state, he knew that he wanted, needed to find out.

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