Chapter 3

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So here's part 3! Again, thank you so much for reading, it means a lot (and I mean A LOT)

Hope you enjoy it and don't forget to COMMENT and VOTE!

Thanks my lovelies,

Georgie xx

Chapter 3

                  Aurora was sitting on the window ledge of her front window reading her book, when her attention turned towards the Land Rover pulling into the driveway of Harry’s house. He stepped out and pulled what looked like a gym bag out of the boot of his car. Aurora watched his actions intently. She saw how the muscles in the top of his back contracted as he grabbed and held the gym bag. She watched how he walked with grace and poise. What she didn’t expect to notice though, was the slight smirk on his face as he walked towards his front door. She realised that she was clearly visible from where he was standing and obviously noticed her staring at him. She quickly jumped down off the window ledge and retreated into her room, slightly embarrassed at being caught.

                The smirk on Harry’s face was still there as he walked through the front door. He had noticed the girl siting on the window ledge and watching him as he made the short journey from his car to his front door, and how she must have noticed the slight smirk on his face because she quickly retreated into the safety of her room.

                He threw his gym bag into the laundry room. Emily, the house cleaner that he had known since he was a child, was moving into Harry’s new house tomorrow. Emily had been with Harry for as long as he could remember. She knew what had happened in his past and was the closest thing to a “mother figure” that he had. Of course, she couldn’t protect him from the pain that he had caused, but she had tended to his cuts and bruises whenever she needed too. She had cared for him during his years of hell and so knew the ways in which he lived and the person that he was today.

                Bounding up the stairs, he threw his jacket and shoes off as he entered his room. He removed his t-shirt and threw it into the laundry basket, tugged his jeans off and walked into his on suite bathroom, turning the shower on. Once showered, he grabbed the towel off the rail and wrapped it around his waist. He stepped out and stopped as he noticed his reflection in the mirror. What looked like light pink lines and dots were scattered all over his chest and abdomen, without having to look, he new that he would see the same thing on his back too. He stared at his reflection and at the reminders of his troubled past, images running throughout his mind again. Grabbing hold of the sink, he closed his eyes. His breathing became shallow and heavy as he tried to rid himself of those torturous images of his past.

                He felt himself start to shake. No he thought do not lose control…do not lose control… he repeated in his mind. Suddenly, he heard a slight gasp and the sound of a glass breaking. He didn’t have to turn around to know who that was and what she had seen.

Dammit! Aurora thought angrily, as pain shot through the palm of her hand. She noticed the crimson red liquid trickle from her hand and onto the floor of her bedroom. She quickly dashed to her bathroom and grabbed a towel from the rail. Idiot! Why did you even look!?! She thought to herself. She had returned from getting a glass of water from downstairs when she heard the sounds of heavy and strained breathing. She had walked towards her window and looked across at Harry’s room. What she saw shocked her. She noticed him in his bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist as he gripped onto the edges of his sink. His knuckles were white and his chest was rising and falling sharply due to his deep and heavy breathes. But what shocked her most were the light pink – but very deep – scars that were scattered all over his back. She gasped, causing her to drop the glass of water in her hand. She tried to grab it before it hit the floor, but was too late and instead, she grabbed a shard of glass, tearing the skin of her palm open. She didn’t have to look to know that the scars on his back would be seen all over his chest too.

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