Chapter 17

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            "Hey Mira..." Karima called with her chirpy voice as soon as she reached their desks.

             Amira didn't answer her immediately because she had her head down on her folded arms which were set on the table. She didn't get enough sleep last night, her mind was full of thoughts about the things that have happened since that one person came back.

           She raised her head from the table and saw her friend sitting by her desk with her famous smile. She looked at Karima, wishing she had the kind of energy her friend had early in the morning.

           "Hi Karima..." she finally replied her.

           "Why are you taking a nap this early morning, are you sick?" she asked coming closer with her hand to feel Amira's temperature.

           "What do you think?" she asked sarcastically.

      After feeling the temperature which was normal, Karima nodded her head in understanding. Her friend actually called her last night to complain about Adam, so she knew what the problem was.

    Frankly, she didn't know what to say to her because her friend's relationship with Adam was unique if to say. First, she liked him, then she hated him and then she started liking him again and now she hated him again. But the truth was that any sane person will realize that she never really hated him. She was just angry.

            "Oh Mira, you know I wish I could help you"

            "I know"

            They were both quiet after that, before resuming to their respective works. After what seemed like few hours, Amira checked the time and realized it was already time for launch. So she excused herself to the toilet to freshened up and when she got back she couldn't believe who she saw talking to her friend. They were both laughing at something that they didn't notice her.

         She felt betrayed that her friend was actually laughing with Adam. If there was anything like friends code, Amira felt like Karima was breaking it. She walked up to them and Karima saw her first. She immediately stopped laughing and faced her desk, while Adam turned to see Amira.

         "What on earth are you doing here?" she said with a slightly raised voice.

         "I came to take you out for lunch" he replied with a smile.

       Why wouldn't this guy leave me alone? she thought.

          "I can't, I've got plans with Karima" she stated.

           "We do?" suddenly on alert, Karima asked.

           "Yes... we do?" Amira confirmed looking at her friend hoping she will go along with her.

            "I'm sure we can do it some other time Mira, go for lunch" Karima said with a smile.

           "No, we can't"

           "Really, I don't mind. We can do whatever it is you have planned tomorrow" she insisted.

           "That's it then, we can go" Adam said looking at the friends who were clearly talking without their mouths but with their eyes.

          "You wouldn't leave, till I say yes. Will you?" she asked defeated and he nodded with a smile.

            She knew if she didn't go, he would keep insisting and she didn't want that. So she picked up her bag, next to her sit and began to walk to the elevator. She could feel him walking beside her but she ignored him. They both entered the elevator with another lady who walked on the same floor, and when the elevator was about to close they heard a voice telling them to wait. So Adam pressed the button and at that moment Amira felt like she wanted to disappear, she wanted to be anywhere but there at the moment.

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