Chapter 27

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Hi guys...
I know I always apologize but it really isn't my fault, if not exam, there's always a quiz. So I'm really sorry for the late updates and thank you for still reading my book 😘😘😘 love you guys

                  The drive back home was quiet, Amira didn't feel like talking and Adam was just letting her have her space, probably because it's his fault that she was in her present mood. She didn't want to blame him but it was half his fault she thought.

After she finished helping Aunt Ummi, she insisted they stay for dinner. Which they did when Amira sweet talked him into letting them stay but they weren't the only ones who stayed, so did Iman and her brother. Amira clearly noticed that the girl didn't like her and frankly she shared the same feelings. During dinner, while everyone was getting ready to eat, Amira went to get the remaining dishes and when she came back she was surprised to see Iman sitting beside Adam.

The nerve of the girl Amira thought but she just took a sit close to Asma. The dinner was nice, they all laughed and joked around even though at a point Iman kept looking for Adam's attention which he gave her. Amira kept wondering why he kept entertaining her, it seemed like he was the only one who hadn't noticed she had a thing for him because everyone on the table noticed, well except Nabil and his dad who just ate and contributed once in a while.

After dinner, Asma, Iman and Amira started clearing the table. She tried to take Adam's plate after he was done but Iman beat her to it. He turned and gave her smile, she of course smiled back. She walked into the kitchen, set the dishes on the kitchen island but as she turned to walk away, one of the plates slipped and fell, shattering on the floor.

"Ooops, hope you didn't hurt yourself" Amsa said almost immediately.
"No, I will just pack it up" she went down to take the plate from the floor. Mistakenly as she was picking it up, she cut her finger in the process.

Just then, Aunty Ummi came in and seeing Amira's hand. She insisted she go clean it up. She told Asma to go show her the first aid kit, she quietly followed her to the upstairs bathroom and after giving the small kit to her, she left. She realized it was actually a small cut, she quickly cleaned the cut and put a plaster on it.

When she was done, she walked back downstairs to the kitchen. She could hear Adams voice before she entered and she wondered who he was talking to. She didn't expect to see him with Iman, she was there standing in front of him, with what seemed like a tissue paper trying to clean something off his shirt. The first thing Amira thought was how she would love to hear the explanation of what was going on in front of her. He didn't notice her because she was facing his back, but Iman could see her come in. She had a smirk on her face when she saw Amira come in.

"Hi Amira" she called, causing Adam to turn back and look at her with a smile on his face.

Amira didn't answer her, she just turned to Adam with a raised brow. He knew immediately he was in trouble when she didn't smile back. He moved away from Iman and walked towards her.

"Hey" he called but got no reply.

"I was thinking we should get going"

"Are you sure, you seemed busy there" she replied passively.

He nodded his head "Okay, I deserve that but it wasn't what you think"

"Sure, yeah we can go if you are done" she said walking out, to go get her bag.

That was how she has been ignoring him, she wanted him to realize his mistake and say something but he just kept quiet too. When they got home, he parked the car and they walked to the elevator together. After locking the door when they entered their apartment, he watched her go over to the book stand and drop the box of pictures Aunt Ummi gave her before they left. He matched towards her but she pretended he wasn't standing there.

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