Chapter 4 "The Leaf Village"

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Chapter 4 "The Leaf Village"

Tomi's POV

I groaned as the harsh sun rays were shining on my face.

How long have I been asleep?

I blinked the sun out of my eyes,

Where am I?

Feeling tense and cramp, I stretched my arms and then my legs. But something was wrapped around my ankle. Something, smooth and cold. I tried to shake it off, but it was still attached. Taking a closer look at it--it was a shackle and chain. I looked around the room with white walls and a white bed. There was my backpack next to the bed.

How could they just chain me up in a hospital room and where was Chikako?

Boar » Dog » Bird » Monkey » Ram, Summoning Jutsu!

Coughing, there was smoke everywhere. Luckily the smoke alarm didn't go off. Once the smoke cleared, there was little Chikako, sitting on my lap.

Tomi! You're okay! she yapped.

"Yeah, you?" I whispered.

Yep, then lets get out of here!

"Alright." I agreed. And somehow managed to slip out of the chains, guess they were a bit loose on me...

Grabbing my backpack and Chikako I climbed out the window and started wandering around the village. It was early in the morning, not a lot of people were around.

I walked down the street looking at the shops. There were so many shops. Barbecue, ramen, tea, dumpling, sushi, and *gasp*! Dango! (and yes, I just gasp). I quickly ran to the shop as fast as my little legs could carry me, with Chikako trailing behind.

Once I reached the shop, I stopped to catch my breath, and walked in, sliding into a booth. The waitress came and I ordered green tea dango and jasmine tea. Chikako disappear somewhere.

The nice waitress quickly got right to my order and handed me the food. As she left to tend to other customers, I spotted two men wearing Chunin jackets out on the street. The same men that I saw last night. As they entered the shop, I quickly did the transformation jutsu into a 12 year old girl with purple hair and brown eyes.

"Excuse me sir, have you seen a short 7 year old girl, with shoulder length brown hair and red eyes." One of the men asked a customer.

'They must have found out I left the hospital already.' I thought.

The man replied, no, and they continued on their questioning with the other customers.

Lastly they got to me, "Hey kid, have you seen this girl?" they asked, pointing to a badly drawn picture of what's suppose to be me, I think...

"Uh, yeah I think she was heading that way." I pointed my finger to some random direction. And they ran 'that' way shouting, "Finally our first lead!"

"Bakas." I muttered and undid the jutsu. I inhaled the scent of my tea and took a sip of it.

"Aha! There you are, maggot!" a voiced shouted and some lady with purple hair and pupil-less brown eyes appeared right in front of me.

Shocked, I spitted out all the tea I had in my mouth. Unfortunately, the lady was in front of me and got drenched with it.

I chuckled, "Whoops."

Suddenly, her eyes darkened and had a shadow, making her look scary. "Kid, you're coming with me." she said in a frightening voice.

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