Chapter 2

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I woke to a soft knock on my shutters. Who would that be? Standing up I placed my dressing gown over my under garments and sighed kneeling on my bed as I pushed open my shutters. Who else would it but Robin. He stood in the shadows covering his face with his hood.

"Robin what are you doing?" I questioned as he jumped in through the window and smiled.

"My mother will turn you in, she's not the type to break the rules," I exclaimed and crossed my arms.

"Sorry, I just... I just came to give you this," he handed me a small bag of coins.

"Will already gave me some," I handed them back,

"I know but think of this as interest," he flopped on the bed.

"Someone else needs it more then I," I walked to my door and placed my ear against it. He smiled and followed my actions.

"Robin, have you no courtesy for someone's personal space?" I pushed him away.

"Sorry," he sat back on the bed.

"They did tame you didn't they?" he half-heartedly laughed. There was something buried under the laugh, a feeling of regret maybe? I walked over and punched is arm.

"Alright obviously not enough," he continued to laugh. I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a long blue dress.

"You should wear green, it suits you more," Robin sighed as he watched me roll my eyes. I kept the blue dress out. He sighed and sat up walking behind me pulling out a green dress from over my shoulder. His breath tickled my ears and sent shivers across my skin. He still smelt the same after all these years. Closing my eyes I felt myself relax a little.

"Marian, are you awake?" mother's voice mumbled through the door. My eyes snapped open as I quickly pushed Robin away from me.

"Robin you need to go," I continued to push him towards the window.

"Marian is there someone in there with you, Marian?" mother knocked again.

"Robin," he finally jumped out the window.

"One more thing, give us a kiss for the journey home," he smiled. I slammed the shutters closed and looked to the wardrobe. I pulled my dressing robe off and threw it to a small wooden chair that sat in the corner of my room.

"Marian," mother pushed the door open and saw me standing at the wardrobe.

"Yes mother?" I questioned and turned to her. She looked around the room and stared at me.

"I thought I heard a man's voice," she looked around once again.

"No just me," I placed the blue dress back into my wardrobe. She nodded and closed the door behind her as she left back to her room. I rolled my eyes and looked to my bed where a weed sat. I walked over to it and picked it up. Robin, I thought as I smiled slightly and placed it on my bedside table.

I walked out into the kitchen and began to make porridge as pa walked out of his room.

"You got in late," he exclaimed and raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know what you mean," I turned to the pot. He walked to the table,

"How is he?" I turned wide eyed at how he knew.

"I saw what you did to the coachman; you went to see Will didn't you?" I nodded as mother walked out.

"I hope you didn't, your brother is an outlaw, and anyone seen to be associating themselves with outlaws lose their tongues," she spat and walked to the front door.

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