So It Begins

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Tony's POV

I walked into Fury's office. This better be urgent cause I was in the middle of something. Me and Pepper where about to go on a date. He looked up at me as I entered, and wasted no time. "There's someone that has been on are radar for a while. He is very dangerous." He threw me a thin file with the name Perseus Jackson on it. Ok then. I opened it and read it out loud.

Perseus Jackson


Blew up the St.Louis arch

Dropped his class mates into a shark tank

Blew up a school

Set a school on fire

Has been seen around New York City

Wow I thought. This kid was a lot like me. "I want you to detain him"

"Really Fury? I mean he is 19." Fury just shook his head and gave me a look. "We don't expect for this to be a piece of cake Stark. For all we know he could be with Hydra." I just scoffed in reply. "Gather the Avengers. He was just spotted near Long Island, with his partner." I just sighed. "Alright. Avengers Assemble"

Percy POV

"Riptide is way better!" I shouted. Annabeth just laughed. "Sure it is Percy. Sure it is" We were sitting under Thalia's tree arguing about whose weapon was stronger. I stiffened as I heard a twig snap. "Do you here that Percy?" Annabeth whispered to he. I shook my head. I slowing started to reach for riptide.

Out from the bushes came a... man in spandex? The guy looked about 20. He wore a red, white, and blue suit and held a red white and blue shield. I mean really? I stood taking riptide out of my pocket; still in pen from and twirling it between my fingers. "Hello. Are you Percy Jackson?" Said the guy in spandex. I'm gonna call him... American flag guy! "How do you know my name and what do you want?"

I noticed Annabeth slowly starting to reach for her dagger. "We have been sent the detain you and your 'partner' by our director" I took a step back to where I would be standing next to Annabeth. "Why would you want to detain 2 innocent 19 year olds?" I said trying to act confused.

All of a sudden a guy that looked like a robot flew down. "Well I wouldn't say that terrorists are innocent..." He started glancing behind me. I heard a whistle noise coming from behind me and turned around. "Really?" I grabbed the arrow and right before it hit my leg. I handed it to Annabeth. "Leo will like this." Annabeth said examining the arrow. She shoved it into her pocket. I looked over at her and we had a silent conversation in are heads.

Alright well what should we do? I said. Annabeth rolled her eyes. Just distract them. I nodded my head.

Well um..." I started "We are not terrorists" They just laughed "Sure kid. Then explain how you blew up at least 4 schools and never got arrested?" The tin man said. "Umm... Wrong place wrong time?" By then Annabeth was behind Mr.America. She was inch's away from his head when she fell to the ground. "Annabeth!" I immediately ran to her. "Don't move a muscle kid. Your friend will be fine. Just come with us." I glared at him. "Why couldn't you have just left us alone." I uncapped Riptide just in time to intercept a arrow. Before I could turn around Mr.America launched his shield at me. It hit my head and I crumpled to the ground.

Heyo guys! I really hoped you liked the chapter. I will hopefully post a new one every 2 or 3 days.


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