The Kidnapping

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Annabeth POV

I watched my friends spring into battle. My mind was telling me to help them but my leg was telling me the opposite. Percy stood protectively in front of me with his sword drawn.

"Go help them. I can protect myself." Percy looked back at me, conflicted. "Annabeth I can't just leave you here, your hurt." I gave him a look and pulled out my dagger.

"I will be fine Percy." He helped me stand up. "Your not in the best shape to fight. If anyone comes at you please yell for me or Piper." I sighed and and nodded my head. With one last glance at me, he ran off and joined the fight.

I stood with my dagger in hand just in case. My leg ached and I knew I had a fever. I hated not being able to really fight and I hated not being able to help my friends. Suddenly I saw something fly towards me. The tin man scooped me up and rocketed into the sky. "Percy!" I screamed for my fiancé.

He and the seven looked up and watched the man flew away with me. I watched as my friends turned into little dots as we flew farther away. It would probably be quite peaceful flying, if you I wasn't being kidnapped.

We few over what I recognized as New York City and landed on a large building. The man set me down on the roof and stood in front of me. I balanced on my good leg. "Friday, get this girl some crutches." The man said as he walked towards the door.

As he walked towards the door mechanical arms disassembled his armor. "Whoa." When the arms where do taking his suit off it handed me a set of crutches.

The man stood in front of the door and watched me as I took the crutches. I steadied myself on the crutches and glared at him. "Who the hell are you." A expression of confusion covered his face and he rolled his eyes. "Follow me blondie."

With that he walked into the huge building. I just stood there for a second finally taking in my situation. The government is trying to kill my fiancé, I was just kidnapped by what Piper called a Avenger, and in the middle of all this, I'm shot!

After about five minutes I went through the door. The inside was huge. It was a gigantic living room with a huge flat screen tv. On the couch sat a small laptop, I couldn't stop myself and I walked over to it. "Wouldn't do that if I where you." A voice said behind me. I whipped around.

The sudden movement make my stomach whirl. "Where's your bathroom?!" I yelled holding my hand to my mouth. He pointed down the hall and I didn't waste a second.

I moved down the hall on my crutches and threw the door open. This has been happening to me for about a two weeks now. Any sudden movement had made me wanna barf. I was pretty sure I was just sick. After about five minutes of continuous barfing, I weakly walked back out.

I leaned up against the wall and looked at the man on the couch. "Did you really let a terrorist get you pregnant?" A wave of fear went over me. Pregnant? There's no way. "I'm just sick." My blonde hair fell over my face as I looked at the ground. I didn't need to see his face to see the pity.

"And Percy is not a terrorist." His look of pity turned into a look of curiosity. "He blew up a school bus." I sighed and stared at the wall. "Wrong place, wrong time?" He rolled his eyes and turned on his tv. I sat there for a minute.

"Why did you bring me here exactly?" I said setting my crutches against the wall and limping to sit on a chair in his kitchen. The man looked down at his watch and back at the tv. "You know, I like you Blondie. Just help us catch Percy and we will let you be free."

I scoffed. This guy was insane if he thought I would help him. He just shook his head and looked down at his watch again and frowned. I scowled at him.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Honestly, I mean he was the one who kidnapped me. This isn't a usual kidnapping though. In my world of monsters and Gods, I have been kidnapped by a lot worse. I would have tried to escape, but I was obviously out gunned.

The man just sighed again and looked out the window. "Really-" I was cut off as the window exploded and water came flooding in. The water engulfed us. I closed my eyes tightly and held by breath.

Then a strong arm reached around me. Air came into my lungs and I opened my eyes. Percy held onto my waist and rocketed towards the window.

Just as we where about to escaped, a huge wall of metal covered where the window used to be. Percy tried to stop, but he was to late. The back of his head slammed against the glass and he crumbled. I tried to scream but two hands grabbed me and dragged me through the water and out of the flooded room.

I will try to update again soon. Sorry this one took so long, I've Been busy lately with school and everything.

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