The Attempted Rescue

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Percy POV
"Percy!" I watched as the man picked her up and carried her away. "Annabeth!" I yelled after her. This could not be happening. I can not lose her again.

I turned to kill the people who took and noticed they where confused. "What's Tony doing?" I heard the man in Spandex say. Before I could rip his head off, Piper shoved past me and threw him against a tree. I mean she shoved him hard.
The move threw him off guard and he hit the tree with a thud. Before he could throw Piper off, me and Jason grabbed his arms. "Where the hell did you take Annabeth!" I yelled at him. His face was unreadable and he said nothing.

I grabbed his shirt and threw him against the tree again. His face turned red with effort as he tried to escape me and Jason's grip. I was faintly aware of the battle surging behind me, all the mattered was getting Annabeth back. "Where is she!" I yelled again. He turned his head away from me. "I'm sorry" he muttered under his breath. "Where did he take her." Piper said calmly, obviously throwing as much charm into it as she could.

The guy was quiet for a minute, you could hear the battle raging behind them. Boom! "Oops! Sorry about that!" Leo's voice rang. The guy finally muttered Stark Tower under his breath. I quickly turned to Piper and Jason. "You two stay here and help Leo, Frank, and Hazel fight. I'll be back." Piper looked like she wanted to argue but she thought better of it and turned away.

There was just one problem; how was I gonna get there. I mean I can't really use my power, it would freak the mortals out. As if on cue Nico and Will appeared. "Nico? Will?" I said confused. "You got kidnapped and didn't tell me! Will was the one who told me. Will!" I muttered a apology and he looked around for a minute.

"Where's Annabeth?" I scowled and Nico frowned. "Annabeth was carried away by a robot guy to a place called Stark Tower." He nodded understanding, well he still looked a little confused. "Grab my arm." I quickly grabbed his arm and everything went dark.

Then with a flash of light we landed in a thud in a empty room. The room was littered with papers in the middle sat a huge diagram of the city. "Go back and help everyone fight the people off. I got Annabeth." Nico looked a little hesitant but shook his head solemnly and disappeared.

I walked slowly to the door trying to be as quiet as I could. Then I heard a voice. "Are you waiting for someone?" Annabeth. That was definitely Annabeth. I threw the door in front of me open and found myself in a hallway. My heart raced as I looked left and right. I busted down the door where Annabeths voice came from and summoned water.

The room quickly filled up and I rocked to Annabeth. I was about to shatter the glass window and get the heck out of there when It turned into a thing of metal. I tried to pull back but flew head first into the wall. The last thing I heard was a Annabeth's screams muffled against the water.

I'm reallyyyyy sorry I haven't posted in forever, it's just with Summer and vacation I've been a bit busy. Things are calming down so I should be able to post some more soon!

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