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You were making pancakes when suddenly Bucky's emergency watch rang. "Bucky?" you asked. You didn't want him to leave. "I am sorry baby but we have to go, the guys need us..." he said with a clearly annoyed expression on his face. "But, we will finish what we started earlier..." he said with a sly smirk. He dragged you into a passionate kiss and when you two broke for air you headed for S.H.I.E.L.D.

SHIELD doesn't really have one location but the main is in central N.Y. It is not so hard to find because it is the biggest building in New York. Of course there are guards everywhere and it is really annoying some times. You got into the glass elevator, the view from up there is breathtaking, and you went straight to the meeting room.

As usuall all the avengers where already there and you were late. You sat at the table and then Director Fury walked into the room and the meeting started. "We detected a HYDRA base that we need to take down." Fury said. "Where is it located?" Steve asked. He always wants to learn the locations.... "It is located in Italy and we believe that they hide something valuable in there 'cuz it is pretty well hidden." After the usuall Tony's fight with Fury about the leadership, the mission and.... well basically everything, you got aboard the Quinjet to head to the HYDRA base.

Inside the Quinjet you and Bucky sat far from the others. He was holding you on his lap and you had your head resting on his chest. You couldn't speak about the things you wanted in front of the others so you comunicated through your telepathy. Suddenly the jet had a loud bang and started falling...

You screamed and Bucky held you tightly and protectivly on his chest. He kissed softly your forhead: "Don't worry. I will never let anything hurt you ok? Just look at me." Bucky knew how much you hated the feeling of falling. It is like your stomach goes through your neck to your brain, or like your soul leaves your body...

"What the hell is happening?" you screamed. "Nothing!" Stark answered. "Only Clint and his horrible flying." and then you saw Cap sight. Apparently Tony had desided that it was the right time to argue with Clint about who should drive the jet and Clint lost control as Tony tried to take the wheel from him. You sighted angrily and you were  about to fight with Tony but suddenly your lips where busy. Bucky knew that you were going to argue so he decided that it was the right time to kiss you. He smiled in the kiss as I used my telepathy to tell him aw!Bucky you know me so well...

"Hey lovebirds!" Tony shouted at us. "When you are done... We are here." Bucky broke from the kiss and you got up. You made a mental note to take revenge from Tony for ruining your moment....


A/N I am sorry if the chapters are a bit short but since i have a title on them i want to stay on topic so i will write only for the topic.

Feel free to comment and recommend! i can write and smuts too ;) Thank you so much for the support!♥♥♥

The Loved One || j.b.bWhere stories live. Discover now