Chapter 10

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"I think we can divided the profits of this project into two which is 60% of the profits will goes to company and 40% of the profits will go to company's charity work. With that, company can avoid paying a big amount of taxes, na?"

I said to one of his clients.

"40%..? We've never done more than 35%, right? Mr. Kapoor..?"

The client said to him. I looked at him who was busy reading the documents.

"She's right. I think 40% is an ideal amount for this time. In fact, this is a huge project and I'm pretty sure that the profits that we will get are a lot more than before so I assume you've understood what I want this time, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Kapoor..."

His clients agreed with him and then they signed some documents before they leave us. Honestly, I don't know how fast the time flew while I tried to live his life. Clients, meetings, projects, dealers, works, and clients again...that's actually the other word to describe his life.

"I'm impressed, Deepika..."

He said.


"I'm impressed..."




"Yeah...anyways, let's go."

He said before stood up and walked towards his car. Without hesitated, I followed him and get into the car as soon as he opened the door for me. Well, that thing has become his habit, I guess.

"So, which dealers are we going to meet?"

"Who said that we're going to meet my dealers?"

"Then..? Where are we going to..?"

"Let's explore Prague in my way."

He said with a smile, which makes me little blushed and I don't know why. It's been 6 days since I'm trying to live his life. Meeting with clients, make a deal with dealers, discussing about business issues, complaining about unpredictable economy situations, we done all that together. We even had been for few date with each other but I don't know why, I feel like T-Rex was actually hiding his real personality.



"Get some rest and don't forget to be ready before 8 pm tonight. I will ask my driver to pick you up, okay?"


I said before I walked out from the car and make my way towards the entering door of the hotel. I can saw Parineeti waited for me with a bright smile on her face before his voice stopped me.


I turned and looked at him. He walked towards me and stopped right in front of me.


I asked before he smiled and kissed my cheeks.

"Take care. I'll see you tonight."

T-Rex said before he walked towards the car and left.

"Wow! That's so sweet!"

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