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Why didn't I see this coming , it doesn't really matter , it's not like we were engaged or anything , but the truth is I was starting to fall for him . I had dreams of us becoming a real family , and maybe someday having children , I was such a fool , I mean look at me I live on the streets , I don't even know where my parents are , they just up and left one day leaving me with with a babysitter .



               FOUR YEARS AGO

Today was going to be another beautiful day it was the middle of August only a few more days until my birthday it was on the seventeenth , I was turning thirteen . We lived in New York in the projects it wasn't so bad although Mom and Dad argued a lot we were still together , unlike some of my friends who's parents were split up , Dad couldn't keep a job he liked to hang out with his boys as he called them , and Mom was always tired from working double shifts at Max's diner .

On this particular Mom came home from work and looked around the apartment , where's your Dad Tempest she asked ?

I don't know Mama he left with David , said he would see me later . Can I go over to Ambers for awhile mama please I begged ?

Not right now honey , I need to talk to you about something ok maybe later . I'm going to call your Dad ok .

Ok afterwards can I go ?

I said we will see , now sit , I'll be there in a minute .

When Eva Logan tells you to sit you listen , so I sat down on the sofa and listened while she talked to Dad .

Paul you need to come home ,I need to talk to you . What the hell does that mean it's not like you have a job all you do is hang out with your friends while I work to take care of this family . I'm tired of this shit , I don't have any time for myself .

            Paul Logan

Eva I don't have time to listen to you bitch all the time about what you do for this family , hell at least I'm still with your ass I shit I could still leave you know .

You could leave me , did I hear you right , you son of a bitch , you want get the chance to leave me because I'm leaving your sorry ass . I want be here when you come home , I've had it , I'm done I refuse to live like this anymore .

Look Eva I will talk to you when I get home , stop acting like a bitch I'll come home when I'm ready , and have me something to eat done , now I'll see you later .

Goodbye Paul , she said hanging up the phone .

Mama are we leaving daddy ? Where are we going , when will we come back ? Mama I don't wanna leave .

Tempest honey , sit down please , look baby you know that I love you right ?

Yes mama , and I love you too .

I'm not taking you with me , you're staying with your father , he needs to take some responsibility , and I need some time to myself , I'm going to give him some time to think about what he has , I'll be back ok honey .

Please don't go Mama I'll be good and I promise I will help out I will even get a job so you don't have to work so hard just please don't leave me , she begged .

I'm sorry baby but I have to , you're my baby girl , just believe me I want be gone long only for a little while ok . Walking into her bedroom Eva packed her bags and walked out carrying two suitcases .

Mammy please no don't go I'll do anything don't leave Mommy , Mommy , Mommeeeeee , come back mama Mom please .

But Eva walked out of the door closing softly behind her .

Later that evening Paul came home to find Tempest curled up on the sofa crying in her sleep call for her mother , he gently shook her to wake her up , and asked her where Eva was .

She's gone Daddy , Mommy left us .

What are you saying , Eva where are you he yelled , only to be met with silence . She really left didn't he said looking at Tempest .

Yes Daddy she cried mama's gone .

Two months later Paul was gone too , when the neighbors discoved that Paul was gone they called Child Services but Tempest ran , Mama left then Daddy left too they didn't want me anymore , with those thoughts she lived day by day on the streets of New York eating and sleeping where ever she could .

*********************************          END OF FLASHBACK


Everybody that she loved hurt her , with shattered dreams and a broken heart she walked away vowing to never let anyone hurt her again .



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