1. Thirst and Reminisce

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Its been 4 months since prom night. Ray and I have been closer than ever since that day.

I haven't really left his side all that much. Reason is because of Deshawn. He won't leave my baby alone.

I thought that hospital visit 4 months ago would of knocked some sense into his thick ass head. Guess not because he thinks I'm not paying attention to his ass.

Bitch please, he trying to be slick. I catch his ass in the act every time but he denies it. Like damn, do you want to go back to the hospital. Geez.

I sighed looking at Bianca. We have gotten closer since prom night. She no longer has hatred for me.

Ray has been with the crew a lot more lately. They have really adjusted to him. I don't hang with them that much.


I was with the crew, ever since Craig came out and left I've been deemed the new leader.

I'm going to be real with ya'll. I haven't stopped thinking about that day when Prod came out in front of everyone.

It was the one of the most unexpected and romantic things I ever experienced. Call me sappy or whatever, I don't care. I sighed looking around abit.

Ya'll know Star right?  Well she's been testing my patience and sexuality. Yep the thirsty bitch was flirting. Like bitch bye, I'm not interested. Damn.

Jermaine even told her ass I was in a relationship. I started to walk away from them and I had Diggy and Jacob with me just in case I ran into Deshawn or Jasmine.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw Craig with Bianca. I covered his eyes, "Guess who?" Craig jumped up and pounced on me. I laughed at his silliness, "Missed you too"

"What are Diggy and Jacob doing here?" I got up with Craig and shrugged, "Ehh, my protection" He nodded and went back to what he was doing. I sat by him and grabbed his hand under the table.

I saw Star coming this way. I mentally groaned, she is a thirsty ass bitch. "Hey Ray, Craig" I waved and faked a small smile.

"Hey Star. What brings you over here?" Oh he knows. Hes playing it off like he has no clue. He sees that she is thirsty too, its in her entire body language and the way she is looking at us.


I sighed as I looked at her. "Well I was going to ask Ray out but hes taken so...." Damn does this bitch not remember what happened 4 months ago? Thirst is evident here.

"Uhm, you do know Ray and I are together right" She looked at me like I said something foreign. "You are not, stop playing."

I shook my head and showed her the youtube video called, "Craig's Prom Surprise For Ray." Diggy recorded the whole thing. Suprisingly not one person has hated on it yet.


I sighed as he was trying to convince her. I started to daydream and reminisce about that day me and Craig first met.


I was a very terrified freshman. I had just walked up to the school when I noticed a guy on his bike. He was by a group of people. He looked at me and I looked back but then I went into the school. I was looking for my homeroom class. I sighed because I had no idea where it was. I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

I looked to see it was him. He chuckled, "You lost, fresh meat?" I chuckled nervously, "Yea I kinda am, can you help me?" He took a look at my schedule and his eyes widened abit. "You have all my classes..."

I was surprised but why was he shocked. He had a mysterious quality that intrigued me. He lead me to homeroom but he didn't go in. He was going the other direction, "Wait! Whats your name? "

He stopped and turns his head, "Craig Crippen" After that all I could think about was him. I was heading to the cafeteria and I saw Craig with those people again. I guess that they were his crew.

I instantly knew even though I had just met him. He would be mine. At the time I was in the closet but that all was going to change I just didn't know it yet.

-End Flashback-

I noticed that Diggy and Jacob were holding Star back. "What the hell is going on?" Prod huffed, "This bitch trying to get me because I have you"

I sighed and shook my head, "Star, we went over this. I'm with Prodigy. Get over it." I waved at them to take her away so Diggy and Jacob dragged her.

"By the way, what the hell had you so deep in thought that you didn't hear anything?" I chuckled softly, "The day we met."

Prod smiled, "Best and worst day of my life" I laughed, "Hey, I was new. Its not my fault you were hard as hell during lunch." Prod hit me playfully, laughing too, "Rayan, shut up" He was blushing red and I kissed his cheek.

"I love you" He smiled lightly, "I love you too" I got up and walked off to class with him.

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Chappie 1 is done and out, enjoy.

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