2. Bad News and Bad Day

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I was just getting out my last class of the day and I was headed to my bike. I didn't see Ray yet so I decided to head to my parents house for a while.

I knocked on the door and Jojo answered the door. "Ma, Craig is here!" I walked into the house to see it kind of empty. Why the hell is it like this?

I saw my mom had a sympathetic look on her face. "Ma, what's going on?" She sighed, "We are moving back to Philly after you graduate.

"What do you mean by we, ma? You don't mean me as well, do you?" She sighed and I growled slightly turning red. "This is some shit! Finally when things are going so good for me. You and dad do this every time! Do you want to know why I'm distant? I'm gay, mother. I know father doesn't even approve so I moved out. I have a boyfriend, who I don't intend on leaving."

My mom and brother looked shocked. I ran out the house. They were calling out to me but I ignored them. I was pissed and upset. I was slightly depressed. I was being forced to leave the only reason I had for living.

I can't believe that I have to leave my baby, today went from good to hell in less than a few minutes. I was just walking, wandering around thinking.

I saw Jermaine and he walked over to me. "Yo boss, whats good?" I scoffed, "Nothing, my world is all going to hell." His eyes widened, "What you mean?"

"Don't tell Ray, but after I graduate I'm leaving" He looked stunned, "Damn, when you gonna tell him?"

I sighed, "I don't know" I walked with Jermaine and as if my day couldn't get any worse. I bumped into Deshawn and Jasmine.

"My, my Craig, you look tense. Mind if I get rid of that tension for you." I groaned silently, "I'm so not in the mood for this...."

Deshawn chuckled, "You bumped into us. Not our problem. Jaz let's go" She nods and walked away with Deshawn.


I was in the back of their van. How the fuck do I always get into these messes? I groaned silently as I saw the door open up.

They left me with Star. The thirsty bitch tried to rape me. I knocked her out cold too. I was not gonna let that shit continue.

"Damn, Star couldn't even satisfy him." I chuckled darkly, "Bitch, what part of gay don't you get"

She growled at me but I wasn't phased by this. Craig was rubbing off on me. I smiled lightly as I thought about my baby. I looked at her and smirked.

They don't even know that they had left my chains unlocked, bullshit mistake. I jumped Deshawn and beat his ass. As for Jasmine I knocked her out cold. "If your kidnapping somebody make sure you do it right."

I jumped out of the van and headed toward Craig's place. I saw him and Jermaine walking.

They looked my way and Prod ran over me. He picked me up and kissed me. I smiled lightly, "Seems like you missed me"

He chuckled softly, "you know I did" I smiled as he put me down. I looked at him closely. He was upset about something. He just started walking back to his house and I was going with him.

What's gotten him so upset? He's not even remotely keeping eye contact with me. Did I do something? No, it couldn't be me. Maybe it was about me though.

We're walking past his parents house and I see his little brother, Jovante. Jojo ran over to us. Craig looked annoyed, "Jojo, tell ma, I'll talk to her when I'm ready. Right now isn't the time."

I grabbed his hand and smiled lightly at him. Jojo ran into the house and we continued on to his place. Hopefully it won't go from bad to being way worse than it already had been.

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Chappie 2 is done.

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