7. Left Alone For Now

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Roc called and told us Prince was in the hospital. I was putting the twins in the car and felt something cold press against my  neck. I stiffened at its touch because I knew what it was.

"You move, you die" I sighed and Ray walked out of the house. His eyes were solely on me. He didn't seem too worried. He nodded at me and looked in another direction.

I turned around and smirked. I took his arm and broke it. He screamed in pain and dropped the gun. I looked at my infant son, Carter. I wouldn't be able to teach him how to fight and defend himself once i'm gone.

I broke the other arm because he was still reaching for the gun. I chuckled darkly, "I would quit before I have the right mind to end your miserable life right here."

The guy groaned and I took the mask off him. I backed away from him and looked away. Ray ran to me, "Baby, are you alright?"

I looked back at the guy again, ignoring Ray's concern for me. I felt betrayed, and it was by the very friend I've known for years. I set him as Ray's personal protection in high school. Why would he do this to me?

"Jermaine....why?" He chuckled, "You've gone soft, Crippen" I shook my head and chuckled darkly, "Just because I started a family, doesn't mean I've gone soft. Your a fool to think I have lost my touch."

Ray laid his head on my shoulder. "Your lucky we're heading to the hospital, otherwise I would of left you ass here" I put him in the car then drove off after Ray got in.


Once we got to the hospital, Prodigy helped Jermaine inside and I got the twins. I hurried inside and saw Roc with his head in his hands. By the looks of it, he is crying.

I walked over and set the twins down. "Roc, how is he?" He looked up, "I don't know, they haven't said anything yet...."

Just then the doctor came out, "Family of Jacob Perez?" Roc stood up and walked over, "How is he?" The doctor sighed, "He is alive, but has slipped into a coma. We don't know if or when he is going to wake up."

Prodigy took the twins and I walked over to Roc. "May I see him?" The doctor nodded, "Room 214" Roc nodded and walked away to Prince's room.


I walked into Prince's room to see him laying lifelessly on the bed. At this point I just want to break down in tears again. "Its all my fault..."


I'm surrounded in all types of darkness, but I can hear everything that's going on. Roc had walked in, by the look of him, he had been crying.

I heard what he's been saying to himself. I just wish I could wake up and tell him its not. He took my hand in his then kissed my forehead. He whispered the words, "I'm sorry" then walked out.


Roc was walking back to us. "How is he?" He looked at me, "He's still in the coma.." I sighed, "Don't worry Roc. He'll wake up soon" He sighed, "I hope so...."

We were walking out the hospital. Roc was carrying Carter and Ray had Cristen. I saw the one person I was dreading, but he was in crutches.

I chuckled, "Really Deshawn?" I saw Jasmine walk next to him. I heard Ray growl slightly. He gave Cristen to me. Both Roc and I put the kids in the car. I walked back to Ray's side.


I smirked, crossing my arms. "Well if it isn't the psychotic two. I'm surprised, I thought Deshawn would quit after getting his leg broken"

He chuckled, "I told you I won't stop until Craig and those brats are dead." I growled, "What do you have against my kids, huh. They are just infants and you want my babies, dead."

I shook my head, "As for miss bitch over there. She better stay her ass right there." She growled at me and I chuckled darkly, "You don't frighten me anymore. Now all you two are good for is pissing me off."

Jasmine looked shocked and Prodigy chuckled, "What's the matter Jasmine, lose your cool?" She stiffened then looked at Prodigy. Finally, she coming to a realization that she can't have him.

I looked at Deshawn, he looked unchanged. "Need anything Ray or do you have this under control." I chuckled, "Nah, I got this. Go check on the twins." He nodded and went to the car.

I chuckled darkly as I heard a gun click. I took it upon myself to twist the gunman's wrist then broke his arm. "Jermaine, you are nothing but a sell out. To think I was nice to you. This just shows me your not worthy of it... Not even your friendship with my boyfriend."

I scoffed then threw him on the ground. I looked at Deshawn after kicking the gun away from Jermaine. He looked like he was coming to a realization as well but not as fast as Jasmine had. I smirked, "What's the matter, Deshawn? Don't you want me?"

Deshawn's eyes widened as he started to back away. He ended up tripping over his crutches. I couldn't help but try to stifle my laughter. I walked back to the car after Jasmine helped both Jermaine and Deshawn. Finally, we will left alone for now.

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Chappie 7 is done.

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