8. Prodigy Leaves - Final

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Its been a few weeks since both Deshawn and Jasmine have stopped messing with us. I still doubt that they will completely leave us alone at times.

Jermaine came and tried to beg for both mine and Prodigy's forgiveness. He has to earn mine back, i'm not just gonna let him have it freely.

Prodigy is leaving today. It saddens me, but he has to go. He looked at me and smiled, "We won't be apart forever. I'll come back."

I smiled and kissed him, "I know, now go before you miss your flight again." He chuckled and kissed my cheek, "I want you to see me off..."

I sighed and nodded, "Okay, Prod." I went to get the twins and put them in my car. Prodigy put his suitcase in the car then got in.

I drove off to the airport. I involuntarily started to cry and I guess Prodigy noticed because he was wiping my tears. We arrived at the airport and I got both Carmen and Cristen out.

He sighed, "I really don't want to leave you." I sighed, "You have to go. I will be here waiting for you." He smiled and pulled me close, "I love you, Ray. Always and Forever." I smiled, "I love you too, Craig. As well as Carter and Cristen." He smiled and kissed me one last time.

He let go, "Last call for Philidephia" That's his flight. He walked away from us and boarded his plane. No doubt I will see him again. I put my hands to my side and felt something in it.

I took it out to see a note and long box. I started reading the note. Prodigy's voice manifested in my mind as I read it.

"My Dearest Jewel, It saddens me that I had to leave your side today. I will always get in contact with you when I can. I promise I will never let you go and keep you in my heart. I love you. I know your wondering about that box I left in your back pocket without you noticing." I looked at the box then back at the note, "Go ahead and open it, my love. It's for you. Another reminder to never forget or let go of me. When I return someday I hope I will see you wearing it." I opened the box and saw a beautiful gold necklace that had the words "Prodigy's Queen" on it. I put it on then went back to reading my letter. "I bet your wondering why it says queen instead of jewel. I have it that way because the kids are my jewels now and your my queen. There are two more of these necklaces. They are for Cristen and Carter, but don't give it to them until they are at least four. I love the three of you and I look forward to coming back to see all of you. Goodbye for now."

I put away the note and looked at the plane. I was crying because of the note. "I will always love you, Prodigy" I sighed, picking up my kids walking back to the car and strapping them in.

I wiped my tear stained cheeks. I drove over to Roc's place. I knocked on the door.


I opened the door to see Ray, Cristen, and Carter, but no Prodigy. "Where's Prodigy?" He sighed, I noticed a necklace on him. That only meant one thing, Prodigy went back to Philly. I hugged Ray then he broke down and cried.

If you guys want to know, Prince is still in his coma. I took care of Carter and Cristen for the day while Ray was getting himself back together.

I noticed Jasmine at my doorstep. "What do you want?" She sighed, "I need to talk to Prodigy. Have you seen him?"

Wow, she must not know he left today. "He's gone." Her eyes widened, "He left?" I just nodded and went back to caring for the twins.


I just left Roc's doorstep. I shook my head. I tried to tell myself that he couldn't be gone but he was. Deshawn approached me and smirked.

All of Ray's friends were betraying him and for what? Money? My cousin even walked away from this. The only friends he has left are Prince and Roc.

Well really just Roc since Prince is in a coma. I sighed, "What Deshawn?" He raised an eyebrow at me, "What's with you?"

I growled, "I'm sick of chasing them but you keep dragging me into this. Prodigy's gone, so I see no point in continuing this." I walked away from Deshawn.


Wait, did she say Prodigy is gone? That means Ray is alone again, but knowing him he's going to keep holding on until he's back.

I walked to Roc's doorstep and saw Ray. Roc growled at me, "Get the fuck away from my door, Deshawn." I chuckled, "I'm only here to see if Ray is okay."

Ray looked at me, "I'm fine, I don't need your psychotic ass checking to see if i'm okay. I know it's only a front so you can be close to me." Damn, he knows me too well.

He scoffed, "See you can't even retaliate from that because you know its true." I chuckled darkly and pulled out my gun. Both Ray and Roc pulled out theirs.

"Don't even try to kill my kids because I will kill your ass before you have the chance." Roc chuckled, "Did you really think you would be able to take Ray by threatening the safety of his kids. You thought wrong."

I started backing away and ran out of the house. That was an unexpected turn in events. I didn't think he'd inticipate that.


I put down my gun. I only use that for my protection. All I can do is enjoy the rest of my life with my kids. I manage to somehow crawl away from everything but I know eventually it will bite back. I will wait as long as I have to until I am reunited with the one I love.

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Final chappie 8 is done

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