Chapter 8

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Dedicated to beatriceng33 and DramioneLoveForever!!! Hope you like this chapter!!!


- Hermione/Alliana's POV -

Azkaban. Involuntarily, a shiver goes through me. Even the word gives me chills. Looking, over at Draco, I see his jaw set in a firm line and his eyes filled with fear. I am probably the same, but I try my best to look comforting for him. He is my mate after all. I have to take care of him.

Oh, merlin - what happened to me? I went from the 'bookworm' and 'know-it-all' that hated 'Malfoy' to the 'Pureblood' and 'Veela' that loves 'Draco'. What would Harry and Ron think?

They would die on the spot. Or worse, kill me.

What has this world gotten to?

I look forward and frown. We wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for the blood purity obsessed witches and wizards. If I could, I would go back in time and change it all. No more 'blood purity', no more 'mudbloods', no more 'death eaters', no more fear of war. No more fear of the past.

Mainly for the fact that if that happened, Draco wouldn't be like this. He would be happy with his father at home. Not upset and visiting his father in Azkaban. I squeeze his hand for comfort as we near the room, where we will see his father. He gives me a sad look and together we go inside.

As, we walk into the room, I notice a few things. One, there are no guards, just Dementors that could be unleashed at any second. Two, Lucius is strapped down to a chair with his head hanging down. The last thing, I noticed was that he was laughing.


Not, crying.

Not, staring off into space.

Not, screaming.

No, he was laughing.

It was maniacal too. Like he found something funny in an evil, twisted, and sarcastic way. It is more scary than silence. More scary than the dark, ice cold room we are in. Way more scary then the Dementors.

I involuntarily, hold Draco tighter and scoot closer to him. We both look at his hysterical father. "So, Narcissa, Draco, finally decided to come and visit me?", I forgot Narcissa, was even here, she was being so quiet. I look over at her and she has tear streaming down her face, yet that is not what surprises me. Her tears are going down past a smile.

What is going on here? I look over at Draco, and see him also grinning with tears. "Draco, are you okay?", I shake his arm he ignores me. I say it again and suddenly they all slowly turn towards me.

"You think, I really wanted you for support?", he says with the creepy smile ever growing by the minute. He is fully facing me and grabs my arms with as much force as I am grabbing his. "You put my father in here. Why, would I ever want you here?", I let go of his arm and try to take a step back. What is going on? I look Narcissa, and see her in front of Lucius. She is on he knees holding his face and kissing him. No! This can't be real!

"It's time you learned your lesson, mudblood!", that word. That one word. It hurts me to this day, even though I am Pureblood.

Pureblood. I am a Pureblood and Draco knows this. I look into his eyes and see them as a foggy gray. What's going on? This isn't right! "Draco, this isn't you! You are being influenced by something! The real you wouldn't do this!", I say this to snap him out of it but it is useless. He is too far gone and what ever has control of him is too strong.

"How would you know? You think you know me but you don't! I have waited almost a life time to rid myself of you and you go claiming me as yours? I think not! It's a shame too.....wasting such beautiful looks on tainted blood.", he leans down and plays with my hair, while I stand there terrified by his words.

Come on, Alliana. can you fix this? I grip my wand and have a realization. Dementors! They wouldn't allow this! Quickly, I rip my arms away from Draco and take out my wand. Aiming it at the thing holding the monsters back, surprising everyone, - including myself - I send spells at it actually breaking it free. As soon as they are down I slide down against the wall. The Dementors advance on a now chuckling Lucius Malfoy and smirking Narcissa.

When I look at Draco he is preparing to throw something. What is it? A wand! "No!", I shout and jump on him. He fails in throwing the wand but we attract the attention of some Dementors in the process. I cover Draco and turn to them.

What should I do? I can't let them kill us! What would Harry do? What would I do? The old me, the Hermione me. A Patronus! Thinking, really hard of a memory, I find one and with all my might I yell, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!", out of my wand comes a big, bright light, in the shape of an otter. It fills up the room and pushes the Dementors away from Draco. Exhausted, I slump down and turn to Draco. "Draco...", I say in a quiet breath.

"You shouldn't have done that.", what? He pushes me off him and stands. The whole family of Malfoy's staring at me with their evil looks. All at once they raise their wands at me.

"Draco! No! Don't do this! I love you, Draco, please! This isn't you!", I say this as much as I can to sway him but to no avail.

Instead of getting him on my side he just sneers at me. "Love me? How can YOU ever love ME? You don't know me! You think you do but you don't. I hate you Alliana Gaunt, Hermione Granger - whoever you are! I always have and always will. I think it is time, you learned your place in society."


"Good bye, Alliana Gaunt. It's time you met death. Avada Kedavra.", the green light leaves his wand and hits me square in the chest.


Screaming, I jerk up. How am I alive? I feel my face. Yes, I am alive, but how? "Alliana, calm down!", I look over and feel Draco shaking me and my mom at the door. He grabs my arms and I start crying trying to break his grip. He tried to kill me! "Alliana, it was just a dream. It was just a nightmare! It's okay, you are safe! You are safe now!", nightmare? It was a nightmare?

I quit struggling and just sit there for a moment before I start sobbing into his shoulder. "'s okay, just calm down. You are safe now.", he kisses my forehead and I nod wiping my tears. "You want to talk about it?", he asks me.

Shaking, my head no, I take a deep breath and look into his eyes. He rubs circles on my back and kisses my head until I start to fall back asleep.

It was just a nightmare. I am safe now.

With that one last thought, exhaustion takes over all over again and I fall asleep.

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