Chapter 33

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It was about 11am it was a Saturday so i was chilling at home and Ruby went out for the whole day so I was just home alone.

This was a perfect opportunity to do something that I've been wanting to do. Which involves two people Brennen and Ben.

So I decided to call Brennen

"Hello" I said

"Hey tee what up"

"I Need your help for something"

"What have you done"

"Nothing yet"

"Then why do you need my help"

"It's a surprise"

"Tee I'm not gonna go all the way to your place not knowing why I'm going there"

"I'll buy you Taco Bell"

"I'll be there in about 10 minutes"


Than I ended the call

Now I need to call Ben

"Hey Ben"

"Hey Tia"

"We need to talk like now so can you come over"

"K I'll be there in about 10 minutes"

"And you need to use the back entrance because they are doing so improvements to the front"

"K see you"

The call was ended

Your probably thinking what  am I doing but you'll see.

There was a knock at the door. I opened the door and Brennen was there.

He entered the apartment looking confused

"Where's Ruby?" He asked


"Are you going to tell me why I'm here"

"Promise me that you won't get angry"


"Brennen promise me you won't get angry"

"Ok than but now tell me.." He was cut off by a knock on the door

I opened the door and Ben was standing there he also entered the room and both Ben and Brennen looked surprised to see each other.

"What the F*CK is he doing here"

OMG he looks so good angry. What am I thinking need to concentrate.

"Brennen calm down I invited him"


"Because I feel bad that you guys aren't friends because of me"

"That's why you wanted me to go around the back so I won't see Brennen" Ben said

"So can you two hug it out and make up"

"Tee were boys we don't do that"

"What happened to bros before hoes guys"

"Tee you do realise that you just called yourself a hoe?"

"Omg you guys are so annoying. I'm going to my bedroom and when I come back I don't want to hear arguing" I said as I gave them both a dreadful stare

🏈Brennen's POV🏈

I swear down I hate that girl sometimes.

"Dude so you regret what you did" I asked him


"How do I know your not lying"

"I went up to her this week and apologise"

Maybe he isn't lying he's my best friend I know when he lies.

"If she forgives you than I guess I do too"

The things I do for this girl

"But really dude I'm sorry for hurting your girl"

"You know she's not my right"

"Seriously you two are so annoying"

"What have I done"

"You like her right"

I had a moment to think about what to say cause I don't like well I don't think so.

"No we're just friends"

"So you don't mind if me and her..." I cut him off by pushing him violently onto the door

"If you touch her I will.." I was cut by my own thoughts what was I doing

I backed away from the door were I pin pointed Ben.

What the hell came over me.

"Sorry I don't know what came over me"

"That was your answer to my question, how you acted it look you're falling for her bro"

What the hell I'm falling for Tia Karr

💃🏿Tia's POV💁🏾

I was listening to music so that I won't hear the boys conversation and hope they don't hit each other.

I decide that I've probably left them for long enough now.

So I walked out my room to see the two boys not at each other's throats which is a good sign.

"Did you hear anything we said" Brennen asked

"No I was wearing earphones"

I'm confused why he would care so much if I heard or not unless they were talking about other stuff.

I walked towards the door

"Are you guys ready"

"For what" Ben said

"I promised Brennen Taco Bell"

"Oh yeah"

I opened the door as the boys forward

"Oh by the way Ben shot gun front seat"


"So what do you think"

"It's pretty nice food" I said

It was just me and Brennen in car as Ben needed to go somewhere.

"So are you and Ben alright than"

"Yeah we're cool"

"I'm really sorry for forcing you guys to forgive each other"

"Nah it's calm and it's not your fault that we need someone to get us to realise we were being stupid"

I don't know if he means that fighting over me was stupid or them not being friends is stupid.

"Anyway the past is in the past" Brennen said

"Did you just quote frozen"

"Maybe, maybe not"

"So your a secret stars wars and frozen fan"

"Says the girl who wears Star Wars all the time"

I looked down to my stars wars shirt

"Oh shit I didn't realise"


"Whatever,  what whatever makes you happy"

"So you want to make me happy aww that's cute"

"Shut up vine boy"

"Make me London"

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