Chapter Two

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"YOU'RE AWAKE EARLY, LADY AMERICA," Anne said, surprised. I had just rang for them and seconds later, they were rushing into my room.

"We thought there was something wrong," Lucy said. I shook my head, and Mary helped me off of my nightgown. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Fifteen or so minutes after five a.m.," answered Mary.

"Oh. Well, I guess I could spend my time staying either in the Women's Room or out on the gardens," I said.


I sat on the bench where Maxon and I had our first conversation. It was still dark, but it's only half an hour until six.

"Good morning," a voice said. I gasped in surprise. "I'm sorry to startle you." Maxon ran his hands through his hair. I smiled.

"Good morning to you, too, Your Majesty," I said, still smiling while I curtsied.

He frowned at me. "That was purely unnecessary," he said. "America, our problem is trust, not respect."

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Too early for problems," he said. When I opened my eyes, I tried to avoid his eyes.

Silence passed through, until he spoke again. "Have you written to your family?"

I gasped again. "Oh! No, I forgot."

"Why don't you go write it? I'll have to go anyway."

"Where are you going?"

"Just... around," he hesitated. I lowered my eyes to the ground. He really didn't trust me, I thought.

He must have sensed my sadness, so he put his two fingers under my chin and made me look up to him.

"I'll see you at breakfast," he said with a promising smile. I gave a tight smile back.

I stepped back from him, turned away and walked back to my room. When I opened the door, the three were cleaning. Even though everything was clean already, they still wanted to because they had nothing else to do.


Dear Dad, Mom, May, and Gerad,

I'm so sorry for embarrassing myself in front of Illéa. I only thought that my presentation was good enough. It was philantropy!

Well, aside from that, I want you all to know that I'm fine here. There was a rebel attack the day before yesterday. I forgot to write a letter, I'm sorry.

Yesterday, King Clarkson wanted me to go, but Maxon didn't. And I was informed (before leaving for The Selection) that only the prince himself can dismiss me, not even the king or queen themselves. Maxon gave me a second chance and I, of course, accepted it.

May, Mom, Dad, and Gerad, I'll fight...

I'll fight for him. Not for the crown, but for Maxon. And I admit it now, May. You know what I mean.

Thank you. I know you'd support me of everything I do, especially Dad.

I love you all, and I miss you.




Breakfast was silent. Sometimes, I'd catch Maxon looking at me. And I'm sure it was me, because I was at the end, beside Elise. And Kriss was at the other end.

After breakfast, I went to the Women's Room finding Celeste, Elise, Kriss, and Silvia.

"Lady America, just in time," Silvia said. "Please, sit." So I sat on a single chair obediently, waiting for Silvia to continue. From the corner of my eyes' sight, I saw Celeste looking at me with mixed disgust and dagger-glare. But I just decided to ignore her. I'm not going to let anyone else affect me. Pay no attention to those judgments, I tell myself.

"Ladies, your lesson for today is how to answer questions properly that are asked by people. In other words, manners," Silvia started, making all eyes that were once on me now look at her. "Tomorrow and the rest of the week's lesson would be basic self-defense and first aid. Now, now, I know you believe that these are what guards and doctors are for, but as a soon-to-be-princess of Illéa, you have to learn to be independent," she added when Celeste, Elise and Kriss complained. They didn't want to suffer, I know that, because they were above Four once. I didn't complain, because I'm used to suffering and I think I know a thing or two about self-defense and first aid.

"Let us begin today's lesson by setting up partners. One will ask, and her partner will answer then ask and the other will answer. It will be conversing with each other, not only you get to know your partner better, you also learn manners. Kriss and Celeste, Elise and America," Silvia said.

Sympathy for Kriss, she's going to suffer Celeste the whole day. Already, I can hear Kriss' groan of complaints and Elise's cheers of joy.

"I am so lucky to be paired up with you," Elise said, sitting next to be on another chair. "I can't say I'm sorry for Kriss, though I ought to be. I wouldn't want to exchange you for anyone else. I mean, come on! You're the kindest and most polite most of the maids and guards talk about. You've definitely already won them over."

"Yes, I may have. But not the Royal Family's," I replied sadly.

"Hey, don't worry," she said. "I believe they liked you, just not the king for what you've said and done two days ago." I didn't miss out the past tense there. Yeah, liked.

I cleared my throat and said, "We better start with our work. So, Lady Elise, how do you do?"

"I am fine, thank you. How about you, Lady America?"

"I am fine, too, Lady Elise. Thank you for asking."

"Wow, too formal. I'm not so used to it that much," Elise commented.

"Me either," I said, then continued. "How does it feel to be here because of your allies?"

"Oh," she looked taken aback by the question, so I quickly added, "I didn't mean anything by that, I'm sorry. I was just curious."

"Oh, no worries," she reassured.

"No, Lady Celeste," I heard Kriss say. Elise and I turned our heads toward them. "I believe the proper reply is 'You're welcome.'"

"Pity," Elise commented. "She has poor chances of being a princess, if she's going to act that way." I didn't know who she was referring to: Kriss being much of a complainant and impatient or Celeste being stubborn and stupid.

Celeste may be stupid and irrational, but she's a favorite of most and she's powerful. She was a Two.

"Going back to your question, Lady America," Elise said, turning towards me again. "I feel special and important. Because of it, I'm still here. And I know I have a very thin chance of marrying the prince and becoming the princess of Illéa. But my vote and favor are yours." This took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting that.

"I am so grateful for that, Elise. That is very kind of you." Though; she must have missed out that the main subject of what she said was the crown and not Maxon himself.

Again, I cleared my throat and said, "Your turn. Ask me something."

"So who do you think is Maxon's first kiss?" She asked. We all knew Olivia was the first one to claim that Maxon had kissed her. "Do you believe it was Olivia?"

No. It was me.

But just when I opened my mouth to say something else, Queen Amberly came bursting through the room's doors. We all stood up and curstied. She waved her hand, motioning for us to sit back down, and started telling us, "The Selection shall end in three weeks, ladies. I wanted to inform you as soon as I can. My husband decided it was time to choose already."

Three weeks away.

Can I do this all in three weeks?

Can I actually take Maxon back in three weeks?

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