forty nine

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_!qoH999: your boyfriend is with me now :)

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. Yoongi knew who this person was? Jimin didn't bother replying to the person. He dialed Yoongi's number and it rang a few times before it went straight to voicemail. He sighed and tried one more time, on the last ring, he answered.


"Jimin? Hey, what's up, baby boy?" He said, slurring his words.

"God, you're fucking drunk." He mumbled. "Where are you?" If Yoongi is under the influence of alcohol and with this person, it's dangerous. You never know what might happen.

"I'm with my friends! Say hi guys." Jimin heard many people's voices in the background.

"Where exactly are you?"

"On an island, dummy."

"Oh my fucking god. Turn on your location, I'll be right there."

"No, you're not coming. They're my friends, not yours. I don't like you."

"What?" Jimin paused.

"I don't like you, Jiminie!" He laughed once again. "You're too bossy and annoying! Nobody likes bossy and annoying people."

Jimin felt a tear fall from his eyes. "Oh." He mumbled, wiping away his tears. "Yoongi, let me ask you a question."

"Alright, shoot."

"Tell me the truth."

"Okaaay! Just go on with the question, you bore."

"Do you love me?"

Yoongi started laughing uncontrollably. "Me? Love you? What a joke. Really, what's your question?"

Jimin's lips trembled and he hung up. He didn't care what that mysterious person did to Yoongi because right now, he was hurt. He was hurt and sad. He felt played, disgusting. Yoongi didn't really love him. Then why did he waste his time with him?

He got off of the couch, letting Taehyung's head fall onto the spot next to him. He woke up and looked at Jimin.

"Ah, where did your thigh go?" He groaned. "I was comfortable."

Jimin let his phone drop onto the floor and walked to his room, locking the door. He slid down and started crying. He cried hard, yelling and pulling his hair. He hit his own head, banging on the door and the ground.

"I love you! Why are you doing this to me?!" He yelled. The others rushed to Jimin's door and knocked.

"Jimin, open the door." Namjoon said.

"Go away!"

"You're acting like Yoongi now." Taehyung said. "Open the door and tell us what happened."

"I'm not like Yoongi! I'll never be like Yoongi! I'll never hurt someone the way he hurt me! I'm not that cruel!" He cried.

A few moments later, they ended up inside his room with Seokjin's spare key. They surrounded Jimin and fired questions at him. Taehyung shushed them all and looked at Jimin.

"Jimin, tell me what happened."

"H-he doesn't love me. Yoongi doesn't love me. He said so himself."

"What the fuck?"

"I want to die. I beg you, let me die. Please, just let me die. I don't want to live."

"Don't be stupid, Jimin."

"I'm not stupid! This whole time I thought Yoongi loves me but it's all fake?! It's all fake!"

Taehyung called Yoongi and he answered. But it wasn't Yoongi who was speaking.

"Who are you?" Taehyung asked.

"None of your business. What do you want?"

"Where's Yoongi?"

"With me."


"On Jeju Island."

"Fucking hell."

"Bye, Taehyungie." The person said, hanging up the call.

"Why the fuck did he call me Taehyungie? And who was he?"

Jimin stayed quiet, not wanting to share his knowledge on this mysterious guy. "I don't know."

"Yoongi won't turn his locations on so we have to wait until he comes back. This place is huge, it'll take years to look for him." Seokjin said.

"Let him stay there, I don't care." Jimin said. "As long as he's there, I'm fine. I don't want to see him ever again."

im getting sick😩

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