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"Mother! Father!"

The memory of her past could never stop replaying, almost like a broken record, overplayed enough she could resort to that exact moment. She blinked away the tears, sitting up, legs over the bed railing.  Her room was almost like a prison cell, boarded up windows so she couldn't see the beauty of the solar system, plain grey walls that were starting to peal and chip, door that stayed closed unless she was needed, and a squeaky bed that announced her every movement.

Although she was fed and clothed, the (h/c) haired female wanted nothing more than to be freed from the clan that killed her parents. 'When will lady Haggar need me,' (y/n) patiently awaits the summon of her guardian that raised her, anxious feeling arousing inside her. She recalled last nights events, lady Haggar sent a message on her behalf to the girl in the cell, writing about the mission she was to be sent on the following day.

'It was now or never,' (y/n) reassures herself, fixing her (h/c) hair to the side. Then, she could hear the sound of the rattling of keys being pressed into the door, Militia fixing his helmet as he ushers the female out the empty room. Perhaps he was a new recruit? None of Zarkon's men let her out so lightly, normally they would forcibly grasp her wrist and drag her along to wherever she was needed. (Y/n) could sense his nervousness, the purple extraterrestrial striding along her, perhaps waiting for the female to retaliate. But she didn't. She knew never to show disrespect towards the Galra Empire, lady Hagger even told her so, since they were so kind as to let her live and provide a place for the human.

She stops, waiting in front of the large doors for someone to answer their call for entrance. The doors creak open as she sees the familiar cloak of lady Haggar, paying her respects to the other in the room. 'Lady Haggar is with Lord Zarkon?' The thought somehow sent shivers down her already freezing body, the elderly woman turning in the  direction (y/n) was.

She could hear the husk laughs from the two as if they shared a joke, and (y/n) knew. Another mission perhaps? She fixes her long black dress to look pleasant, strolling forward towards the two figures before her. She took another deep breath before stopping in front of lady Haggar, accompanied by the emperor himself.

"What is it that you need me for, lady Haggar?" (Y/n) asks the witch, voice quickly silenced by lord Zarkon, "pleased to make your acquaintance, milord," she bows.

"Rise, my child," the croaky voice of Haggar commands, "we have none other than the best opportunity for you, my dear,"

(Y/n) merely nods, already knowing she has no opinion on what was to come, "Lady Haggar, what sort of plans do you have that include me?"

"A young woman can have the power to enchant any man, especially if they're as beautiful as you," the woman starts, "Lord Zarkon wants nothing more than to retrieve the Voltron, to do so, we are needed of your assistance, (y/n),"

The female nods, listening to the direct orders of his highness. "How very nice, to be able to deceive humans when you are one," lord Zarkon comments, laughter filling the entire room, "with you, we can take what's rightfully ours, the Voltron,"

She was unsure how to do so but recalled the instructions written on the papyrus paper she was sent last night. 'Sneak into the castle of lions, work quickly to find the five lions and capture them, wait till further instructions,' we're those directions how she was to complete this infiltration? Was that lady Haggar's big plan? It it was, then she wanted no part in the half assed of a plan, she didn't want to risk being caught after all. Firstly, it was because they were human. Like her. She's never met other humans before, the only time she associated with them were when she was born, her parents.

"Our plan has been altered considerably, (y/n)," lady Haggar says, mischievous grin forming on her face, "for the best of your abilities," her hand touching a strand of (y/n)'s luscious (h/c) hair and let's it slip through her hands slowly.

"What could I possibly do for you? I'd be useless if it comes to communicating with the humans," (y/n) states, staring at her guardian.

"You are a human," the woman states, strictly, "you must do this; for Galra,"

'For Galra,' those words were always the ones that nullified her protests, the words her caretaker would repeat from time to time, to notify her of her human existence. After all, she wasn't one hundred percent part of the Galra Empire. (Y/n) nods reluctantly, Bowing to dismiss herself from the two leaders. This was her mission she was given by the king himself, she couldn't let him down.

"You leave by sunset, child of earth,"

She could hear the sound of her caretaker's voice announce. It was for the Galra; for her longed freedom from the clan that destroyed every bit of happiness she had. Now, she was free for the moment, when she left, she had no plans to return to the ship where she has been in hiding for what felt like millennia. Though, it wasn't. It was for the sixteen years of her life she wasted, trapped behind the same four walls that sealed her presence away from humanity. She planned on finishing her mission, then leave afterwards. That was her original plan, though feelings she's never felt before abrupt her mind as she met the controllers of the large lionesses. They sure messed her plans up.


Yeah, I'm here again. This is from one of my one-shots titled 'Treacherous' and I turned it into a story at the idea of IslaTheRandomGirl who wanted this to be longer. I'm not even sure where this is heading yet, but the intro is here! Hope you liked it~!

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