Chapter One: Lance's Plans

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"Lance! Are you being serious?! You can't do that," Keith always destroyed the man's dreams, "even if you were to go to that far to collect the crystals, it wouldn't mean anything, besides, we're not on earth anymore, you can't just gloat to anyone, idiot,"

"Keith, I'm being perfectly serious, imagine what you could do with that amount of crystals?! I mean, we could have a lot of chicks-,"

"-I'm not going,"

The sharpness in his tone cut Lance off and he didn't have any fight left in him, a sigh escaping his lips as he sits on the sofa. It was another no-go. Lance wanted to do this; he wanted to venture out for once, not to be crammed in the castle any longer and to roam the Galaxy he saw every day when he woke. He even went out of his way to ask Allura before hand if they could go for a day or two, collecting and exploring the unknown, although she was reluctant at first, Lance had his ways of persuading the princess into letting him. Shiro was okay with it, surprisingly. So was Pidge, and Pidge was hard to reason with, especially since it was Lance who asked him. Hunk was hesitant like always but agreed wholeheartedly. Keith was the last to be asked because Lance didn't want to notify his rival first, of course, and planned that he would persuade him with riches of all sorts. It didn't work in the end.

He could hear a sigh slip from Keith's lips, arms unfolding as he looks at Lance with irritation, nodding reluctantly, "Lance, if anything goes wrong, I swear to god, I will kill-,"

"-Thanks Keith, my best buddy," Lance said, quickly, "how could I forget? We leave tomorrow,"

Lance quickly hustled out the room before Keith could finish his statement, excited for the new adventure the Paladins were to set on the following day. It wasn't everyday he could simply explore without worrying about saving the universe and literally everything else that came along with it. Shiro was on high alert though, even if they got a break, as the leader he had to keep an eye out for anything that seemed to be suspicious or out of the ordinary. To him at least. Lance never learned and always got his fellow teammates caught up in something, though he contributed to the group quite a lot.

Walking down the long hallway, Lance ended up humming a light tune to pass the time, passing Hunk's room and then Shiro's. After this turn, it would be his dorm that concealed his presence from everyone, it gave the man time to think of things that people wouldn't believe he of all people thought about and where he slept soundly. Ignoring the bickering of Pidge and Hunk that seemed to happen most days, he strolled into his room. It was quiet, peaceful almost, though he could still hear the complaining of Pidge in the hall somewhere and Hunk claiming he didn't do something because he was curious. He yawned and stretched his arms out before diving onto his mattress, forcing his eyes to close.

His eyes opened again, shuffling his position as he sat up. He couldn't sleep in the clothes he was currently wearing. He slid off his jacket, now in his t-shirt and slid off his pants, walking across the room to where his blue pyjamas were folded neatly on the desk. Lance quickly wiggled on his pyjama bottoms and put on his blue top to match. He was now prepared for tonight's sleep. He let out a sigh, climbing back into his bed that made it comfortable to sleep without waking in the middle of the night. There the man lay, head nuzzled against his pillow as he stares at the wall, deep in thought. Without warning, his eyes slowly closed and he was soon fast asleep.


Today was the day the five were leave the castle, Lance took the opportunity to get their sleeping bags ready, along with other supplies needed to camp around territories, or just nap in their lions so they wouldn't be attacked unarmed. The man was already dressed, ready for spontaneous adventures around the Galaxy with his friends. He awaited the Paladins, sitting at the breakfast table that they normally met at. Hunk walked around the corner, waving but still half asleep clearly. One down, three to go.

"Keith's practicing again," Hunk says, drowsily, "I saw him earlier,"

A yawn escaped Hunk's lips as he stretched to wake his body up a bit more. Lance couldn't hide how irritated by that he was, hand holding up his head for support as he grumbles annoyed by his sort-of friend, Keith, who didn't even say he was awake and ready to leave. Pidge walked around the corner, accompanied by Shiro, the two of them seemed more ready than Hunk and even Lance himself. A simple 'good morning, Hunk, you too, Lance,' from Shiro was all it took to get a sloppy response from Hunk.

"Yeah, good morning, Shiro," Hunk says, brushing them off as he stares at the table, "when are we leaving, Lance? I just want to get this over with, you see, normally we wake up and eat first, train for attacks, save the universe, then go to bed, but now you want to just.. Travel? I mean, I'm cool with it, but we could still get attacked, or something could happen to the princess while we're gone,"

"Calm down, Hunk," Pidge complies, letting out a sigh afterwards, "princess Allura will contact us if anything goes wrong during our absence, we're just going to be gone for two days anyway, so it should be fine,"

"Pidge is right, Hunk," Shiro says, "if anything, it gives us a little break, we are the saviours of the universe after all,"

Hunk merely nods in response, preparing mentally probably. Finally, Keith decided to join them, a white towel around his neck as he wipes his sweat from his face. He wore his black t-shirt and black pants, looking as though he just finished training. That ticked Lance off, the man looked like he didn't even want to go. He didn't. Lance wanted all of them to go though.

"Are we leaving soon?" Keith asks, staring at the group before him, confused expression wiped on his face.

"Yeah, took you long enough, Keith," Lance replies, arms crossed over his chest in disapproval, "hurry up and change so we could go,"

"Yeah, yeah,"

Keith immediately brushed off the orders of Lance, walking away. It didn't bother him that much, Lance knew that Keith would listen to him since he had nowhere else to be, unless he wanted to stay with Coran and Allura and take care of the castle. He patiently awaited the arrival of Keith, this was the most excited he's been in a while. Then, the man with the mullet walked into the room, wearing his jacket and casual wear, bag over his shoulder.

"I'm ready," Keith announces, staring at the group once again.

"Okay, let's go," Lance said, amused smile on his handsome features.

"Yeah," the others yell, n'sync, "let's go!"
A/N: I felt the need to write what the space dorks were doing at the same time as you were doing... Not much, apparently. Lance just wanted to do stuff hahaha omg and basically everyone went along with him. I'm going at a much slower pace than I anticipated, oh well, as long as I write this story! I feel like this chapter was kind of boring, let's hope it gets more interesting the next chapter when you meet the cuties (I'm so lazy, it took so long to write this, sorry!)

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