Chapter three: Happiness In Listening

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It was nightfall from what the group of individuals could tell, the starry Galaxy sparkling with its beauty. (Y/n) couldn't help but stare at everything, it was somehow different. She felt as though she missed out on a lot, restricted from the universes glistening scenery within the crippling caller she was placed in, seeming ready to collapse at any moment. She let a sigh escape her lips, eyes closing as she inhales, then exhales, repeating the process to calm her jumbling nerves that were acting up once again. Her eyes flutter open, a cheeky grin plastered on the well renowned Lance's facial features as he brushes a stand of hair away from her face which caused the female to wince slightly, recalling the cold, purple fingers and sharp nails grazing her cheek.

'Stay calm, (y/n), you cannot waver now,' she reassures herself, encouragingly as she cocks her head away from the man's touch, a whirl of surprise spread across his face as he blinks, in a state of confusion and finally, a groan as he lays back on the cool, ticklish grass. She had no courage to talk now. Somehow, all she could think to do was play foolish games of charade with the group, letting a slight sigh slip before she covers her mouth, hoping that no one had noticed. Then, her eyes met with Keith's infatuating purple hues, eye brows arched in suspicion and her body froze, immediately, looking away. She sifted her position into a sitting position, hands supporting her body so she wouldn't fall backwards.

She felt her heartbeat quicken as violet eyes scanned her, as if he could find existing information on her face or body. She took in a shaky break, straightening out her dress instead of awaiting him to speak. It was a burden, that mission. To be with so many humans such as herself, it was unbearable and uncomfortable. She may have done many missions up until then, taking orders constantly from the one whom raised her and never once disobeyed, feared that she would be turned into a monster. Most things outside the purple ships reminded her of the missions and the grotesque memories that replayed in her head, drowning her in so much petty for herself she felt sick to her stomach. Perhaps she was just another version of Lance the Druids had made, fuelled with false accusations and memories, maybe her so called beloved parents were just implanted hallucinations skillfully made by the Galran technology. She didn't know. Neither did the group before her.

"So," she was startled by the high voice of the tousled light brown haired man, "what was it like... You know, living here-," he pauses, hazelnut brown orbs glancing at (y/n), then reverting back to the purple, dark mix above them.

'I wasn't born here, nor have I stayed on this specific planet,' she thinks, blinking at the 'man' named Pidge, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear but blinking at the touch of her very own fingers. It was impossible. Impeccable to to forget. The slouched, hooded woman must have been laughing cruelly at the masterpiece plan she was called upon, unfolding in front of her very own eyes. Never once had (y/n) stared into the eyes of lady Haggar, nor did she ever want to, what was she to do once that happened? She didn't want to think of it. Pidge seemed rather interested in (y/n), questioning but not receiving a reply besides a shrug, nod or shake, yet still didn't mind.

(Y/n) let a sigh escape her lips, tapping her temple as she lay inside the warm, fleecy sleeping bag, after all it's been the first time since she felt anything so soft before. Her cheeks flushed with bliss, was this what the humans call heaven? The chestnut haired man with the slight tan grins, sitting beside the female, the flickering of the fire keeping the group warm. It was strange really. How could such beings be so careless? Did they not understand what was to happen to them once they have brought her on the castle ship? Of course not, she was inferior and had obeyed direct orders from the king himself, how could she fail miserably when an entire empire was at the brink of using her as nothing more than a failed attempt and throw her away as if she were nothing? She couldn't let that happen. She had nowhere to go, no one to lean on besides the purple Galrans and their leaders, and most of all, no one she could trust, she resided within those four walls of imprisonment. She belonged there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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