Chapter 6

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Deke was keeping to his word so far.  We were hanging out almost everyday during lunch and after his football practice he would bring me home.  We still got death glares from Shane but who cares.  Shane and Cara were a thing of the past as well which I couldn’t help but be happy about.  Deke hasn’t brought up the relationship conversation, staying true to his word to give me time but I knew his patience was wearing thin.  He would do small things like grabbing my hand while walking or putting my hair behind my ear.  Any ‘friendly’ excuse he had to touch me he would take advantage of.  I felt bad making him wait so long especially since I was more than half convinced that I wanted to give us a shot but I had to make sure he was serious about it.

After about two weeks I knew that I was ready!  It was Friday and there was supposed to be a big party after the game so I decided to get him alone and confess my feelings for him then.  He asked me to meet him by the lockers before the game and I was on my way there when a manicured hand stopped me.  I followed it from my arm up to a heavily made up Tanya.

Shaking off her hold I asked, “Is there something I can help you with?” 

“Yeah, you can back off my man!” she sneered.

“And by man I’m guessing you mean Deke?”

“You know I do, he only wants you because you’re playing so hard to get but once you give in the excitement of the chase will be over and you know he’ll be coming back to me!” she said while examining her nails.

I so hated girls like this, you know the type that think they’re so much better than everyone else and can have any guy falling at their feet.  She really needed to be brought down a couple pegs and looky here I was just the person to do it.

“Awww Tanya, are you feeling insecure because you’re MAN got tired of you and moved on to someone better capable of making him happy…ME?  I guess you should’ve concentrated more on him than your too tanned, overly made up, skanky dressed, ridiculously implanted, brainless self.” I said and turned to walk away.

She stopped me one last time, “You think you can say that to me and just walk away?”

“I’m done taking crap from people, so yeah, I can and will!” I stated turning my back on her once again with a smile on my face! I was liking this new confident me, I couldn’t wait until tonight!

I hurried to the locker rooms to meet Deke and had to dim my smile a little so as not to give anything away.  I saw him waiting and took a minute to appreciate all that is Deke.  His tousled black as night hair that looked as if he’s been running his fingers through it, his warm brown eyes that always made girls melt, not to mention his finely toned body with abs for days and a butt you just wanted to take a bite out of!  I could stare all day but he had a small gift bag in his hand and my curiosity eventually broke me out of my daze and carried me the rest of the way to him.

He saw me and smiled, “Hey!”

“Hey yourself, what’s that you got there?” I asked shyly.  I know it seems rude to assume it was for me but like I said Deke loves giving me little gifts now and then so there’s almost a 95% chance that it was for me.

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