Chapter 1

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Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

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Hello reader,

I apologize in advance if you find this story to be less than satisfactory. It was my very first story here on wattpad and still needs editing. Thank you for giving it a chance and hope you will check out my other stories as well:)


"Kevin, I finished filling all the salt and pepper shakers. Can I leave now?" I yelled to one of my big brothers who was in charge of our family restaurant.

"Yeah, just remember you promised you'd work an extra hour for me tomorrow though." He shouted back. I mumbled a quick 'yeah' as I grabbed my bag and booked it out of there.

It was a big night, after all. My boyfriend Shane and I had made it to our six month milestone and were going to celebrate with the rest of our friends at our favorite hangout, the Fire Pit. It's a little bonfire we have at the beach. Sadly there wasn't much else to do in our little town of Granite Falls, so the Fire Pit was basically the place to be on a Friday night. I ran as fast as I could, thankful that it was only down the road from our restaurant, and saw the fire going strong.

I couldn't wait to see the shock on Shane's face when he saw me! We'd been arguing a lot lately about how much I've had to work but with my second oldest brother, Keenan, going off to college last month, my family really needed me. We've hardly spent time together because whenever I had a free day he had football. It was frustrating but we love each other and were trying to make it work. I knew he just missed me as much as I missed him which is why I couldn't wait to surprise him. He wasn't expecting me till much later and we were going to have a major make up session.

I spotted his truck when I reached the sandy lot just beside the beach so I knew he was already there. I quickly took my tshirt off revealing my sexy new strapless red top (Shane's favorite color) that went perfect with my short denim skirt. I threw my shirt and shoes in my purse, fluffed my waist length golden brown hair, added mascara to the lashes framing my hazel eyes, freshened my lip gloss putting an extra dab on my full lower lip, threw my bag in the back of his truck and headed towards the group.

I waved hello to a few people, many who were already totally wasted, and searched for Shane in the group. I spotted his best friend, and now one of my closest friends, Deke, sitting by the fire and thought it odd that Shane wasn't with him. Those two were like peas in a pod and usually if Shane wasn't with me he was with Deke. Their friendship still surprised me being they were so different. Deke's hair was black as night while Shane's was a very light blonde, cholcolate brown eyes for Deke while Shane had smokey gray ones, and where Deke's hair was short cropped just long enough to run his fingers through Shane's was constantly touching his collar aching to be cut. Their personalities were different as well. Deke is laid back, mellow, and always taking things in stride where as Shane enjoys the spot light, is the life of every party, and couldn't keep still to save his life, but I loved him even more for it. In fact, if I really thought about it, Deke and I made the more sensible couple, but I met and fell in love with Shane first and the rest was history, so they say. I have to admit that Deke is one nice package though...sigh...

Deke spotted me and the oddest expression crossed his face before it was quickly replaced with his trademark smile. It was a killer and never failed to charm the ladies.

"Hey Deke, where's Shane?" I asked as I kissed his cheek.

He looked kind of uncomfortable and said, "Hi Kaylah, ah...he was just here a second ago."

"No he wasn't babe, he walked with Cara towards lovers rock about twenty minutes ago." This information was offered by Deke's girlfriend of one month who I could not stand. She was a total B and always looking to stir up trouble, which is why I ignored her and shot Deke a quick grin telling him I'd see him later as I headed off to find them.

"Kaylah wait...!" Deke shouted but I was already half way there so excited to see my babes.

I was thinking what a good best friend Cara was to keep my boyfriend company and away from all the slutty girls that were always after him when I wasn't around. That's why I loved her like my very own sister. She was always looking out for me.

As I reached the rocks I heard moaning coming from behind one of them, which was normal. It was called lovers rock for a reason, after all. Not wanting to disturb the couples intimate moment, I started to tip toe in the opposite direction when a familiar males moan followed closely by an, "Oh Shane..." froze me where I stood.

I was hoping it was just a crazy coincidence.

The moaning and panting increased till they reached their climaxes. I couldn't move, didn't dare breathe. There was some rustling of clothes with giggles and kisses.

Then the first pieces of my heart began to crumble when I heard my best friend say, "I love these moments, but I wish we didn't have to hide this."

"You know it would kill Kaylah and I told you from the beginning this was just sex nothing more, I love her but the fighting has been rough and I need release." I knew that voice. It's the same voice that whispered sweet nothings in my ear just that morning.

"So you're just using me?" Cara asked.

Any reply Shane was about to offer was cut off when a noise behind me startled them. They came out from around the rock quickly fixing their clothes, only to come face to face with me and our new intruder, Deke.

Deke's cold fingers grabbed my arm as three voices exclaimed, "KAYLAH!" Shane with fear, Cara with shame, and Deke with remorse. It was then that I realized the three people I thought I could count on no matter what, had just let me down in the worst way breaking my heart in the process.

I couldn't catch my breath. I felt like I had been gutted like a fish. So many questions. Why? How long? How could they? I pulled away from Deke and stepped back as Shane stepped forward looking pale, "Honey, let me explain."

Yeah, like that was gonna happen. After shooting them all one last pained look, I ran away as fast as I could. If I wasn't so shocked and betrayed, I would have stayed and gave them a piece of my mind, but the pain was too unbearable to remain in their presence. Tears streamed down my face and sobs wracked my body as I quickly retraced my steps, only stopping to get my bag from Shanes truck. I ran all the way back to my families restaurant as if the hounds of hell themselves were after me. My brother Kane came out the door just as I reached it and I threw myself into his arms with the last of my energy knowing that nothing would ever be the same.

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